
Friday, August 12, 2011

Taylor Swift at The Fair

I wasn't going to post about this but it was so funny in some ways and so sad in others that I thought I would.

Today, we went to the fair. While at the fair, we saw some wonderful talent. I had a fun day with the kids. I got a call while at the fair from my Eldest Princess saying she got a job offer which she accepted. She didn't apply for this job but did so well at another job interview that they recommended her to this organization and they called her.

She interviewed with seven other people today. They contacted her references and checked with HR and gave her the offer 7 hours after the interview. She will need to find a place to live and move in the next week.

It will be a busier week than we already had planned but we are so proud of her and will miss having her home. She will be great in the job. It will be working with teens.

So, back at the fair, we decide to stay for the hypnotist show. We didn't want to participate but thought it would be fun to watch as we have watched similar shows at the state fair before.

During the show, the hypnotist told the participants to see someone famous in the audience and go and talk to them. This little girl ran back to where we were in the center and picked me out as Taylor Swift. I am sure I don't look a thing like Taylor but this sweet little thing thought I was the greatest thing on earth. I handed the camera to my daughter and proceeded to sign a fake paper with my autograph in this photo.

In this photo, I asked if she wanted a hug which she happily choked me with. She was so excited she kept jumping up and down. She kept pointing to me while looking at a family member in the crowd so she was aware of them being there.

She asked me to sing and, of course, on the spot, I couldn't think of a single song. She got so sad when he then called them back up on stage where she got mad at him because I told her I didn't have time to sing because he wanted her back on stage.

My sister got video of it from the back I guess. I didn't know she was there so it will be fun to watch that at some point.

The sad part to me was that after the show was over, the little girl still thought she had met Taylor Swift. I know her cousins and they said she still thought she had met her so I went over and showed her the photos and made sure she knew she really hadn't met Taylor Swift. She argued with me until everyone said she hadn't and she saw the photos.

I was a bit disappointed with the hypnotist for not telling them everything wasn't real before waking them. That is one reason I told my children never to let themselves be hypnotized. I watched one man just point his finger from across the room and shoot at a girl like it was a gun and she fell over like she was dead. He never said a word. Just the motion which let me know he was sending her the thought. Who knows what other thoughts they send.....

Anyway, it was a fun day at the fair with my girls. I'll post next week on the ribbons and entries.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! That must have been some show! It was nice meeting you last night at the Martin Harris Pageant. I hope you and your girls are having a wonderful trip!

    Emily @
