
Monday, August 15, 2011

Over The Hill and Far Away....

Over the years as my little princesses have one by one started leaving the nest I am reminded of the song of Mother duck and how her little ducks go "Over the hill and far away" and then only four, three, two and one come back as you sing the verses. Then, at the end of the song, "Mother duck says, Quack, Quack, Quack, Quack and all of the five little ducks come back."

Last Friday I mentioned the my eldest got a job in another city and needed to find a place to live. Our Heavenly Father sure watches out for his daughters. Just as we loaded up the car to head five hours away to help Princess number 4 move home, I grabbed the mail and here is what I found. A dime. I laughed out loud. I got three unexpected bills totalling over $800 and then a dime! I so love my Heavenly Father who reminds me to trust in him at stressful times.

My eldest texted an add from the paper about looking at a room since she only has a week to find a place and get moved in as well as find the furniture that she needs. The owner got right back with her and we stopped on our way to look at the place. She liked it, we gave a deposit and she will be moving in next weekend.

We got a call and had been trying to get tickets to a sold out outdoor show. Princess number 2 called as we were leaving saying somehow they got 9 tickets back and we could get the six we needed to attend.

We headed to the show arriving just in time for dinner and to get our seats before the show started. We made some new friends and enjoyed spending time together. The temperature was great and no bugs were biting.

It was wonderful being together for the weekend. We did a few other activities together the next day visiting a temple worshiping there along with shopping. Princess number 4 took me out to Chinese food like we used to do when she was at college a little closer to home as she wanted some "one-on-one" time with mom.

We cleaned and packed her apartment and loaded up the cars to get everything home. We also visited with family and attended Sunday church services with them as I have a nephew that just returned from Chili where he was serving as a missionary. It was wonderful visiting with a cousin I haven't seen in years as well as enjoying the rest of the family.

Princess number four got checked out of the apartment and we were headed home. She has mixed emotions about leaving but is looking forward to her new adventure in Taiwan.

As we unloaded her car I couldn't help feeling like the "Mother Duck" having all my five little ducks home even if it only is for a few days. All their belongings and all of them home is a good feeling. We actually packed up lots of the stuff from Princess 2's apartment to just take directly to Princess number 1's place this week. All the food, bedding and pans really don't need to sit for a few years and would be better used so that was nice to help us with packing. Also, we save on having to buy another car. Princess 1 will take the car Princess number 2 has used at college. That is a big blessing.

This week will be a busy one loading up the suburban with furniture and clothes. I hope we can get everything in 1 trip. It was convenient as we have a wedding of a niece in that area this weekend so we are able to attend and move Princess number one in the same trip. We also have two concerts but I will tell you about those another day!

Here is to "Mother Duck" and her five little ducks!

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