
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Honey Bear Solution

I don't know about you but we don't eat much honey. The main reason is that it always goes crystal soon after buying it. The raw honey seems to do that and then what do you do to melt it so you can actually use the honey?

I have watered it down with warm water. I have boiled some water and set the bottle in the water. I have tried to microwave it. It takes forever and is frustrating so instead of having peanut butter and honey, we usually have peanut butter and banana sandwiches.

The other day I was visiting my sister and on her counter she had the solution. She was using her candle warmer to melt the honey! She had the type with the light that shines down from the top like this one. However, I thought you could use the small candle warmer that is like a small hot plate and keep it on your counter plugged in all the time if you use your honey often and just keep the honey in a glass jar rather than a squeeze jar. Or, you could have a mug of water on the candle warmer and keep the plastic squeeze container in the mug of warmed water to keep it liquid.

My sister would just pour off whatever honey melted into this squeeze jar and there was always more to pour in as she walked past. I will have to experiment with what works best but either idea was a brilliant one on my sisters part! She is so amazing!

I hope your future is SWEET!

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