
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Come Rock With Me - Hammock

We owned a hammock for many years and never had trees in our yard to hang it up. Sometimes camping, we tried to use it but it was so much work it wasn't worth it.

Several years ago when I was looking at making a "play" area in my back yard, I wanted to be able to hang up a hammock and pondered on how I could do that without planting trees in just the right spot. I thought about using a clothes line but unless it was the right distance apart and cemented in, it really wouldn't be sturdy.

I was at a second hand store one day and next to the dumpster they had an old swing set. It had cement on the bottom of one or two of the posts but and idea came to me. I asked if they were going to throw it out anyway, if I could buy it for a few dollars and so I brought it home. I bought a few cans of spray paint and colored it the color of my swing set and hung up the hammock.

We have really enjoyed having it in our yard. I really enjoy it after mowing or working hard in the yard and I can lay in the twilight looking up at the stars starting to show. It is also really nice to look at meteor showers.

It has been a hit with the kids that come over to play. They go from the tire swing (see post "Tired Swing" here) to the trampoline to the hammock, to the swing set. It took some effort to landscape the backyard but it was well worth it as it is minimal work now compared to what we used to have. Here are some photos of before and here is a link to the post about how it looks now. "Playing Hard in the Yard."

If you are ever in town, "Come rock with me!"

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