
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Free Money - Two Ways To Get It

This week I received an ad in the mail from a car dealership saying I could win $25,000 or a car. I wasn't excited as I have done this before. It states everyone is a winner. You take your ad into the dealership and they give you a scratch ticket with twenty-five or so boxes on it and you scratch them off one at a time.

If you scratch off six of the twenty-five boxes and find the six money bags or the six cars that match, then you win. I think the odds of winning are one in 60,000. Needles to say, I didn't win the $25,000.

I did however get three gold dollar coins. I was thrilled with the coins. I was also entered into a drawing for a $500 gas gift card to be drawn at the end of the sale.

I asked the man who travels around the country doing these sales how often someone wins. He said he has had several get to five matching squares but only once has had anyone win by scratching off all six squares. He has been doing this for a very long time and said it was five or six years ago.

This is about the fourth time I have gone in to get the $3 now. I am up $12 for about 5 minutes of visiting each time. They do a similar thing about every six months.

However, I also get a chance at the drawing which they don't always have. I love to enter contests as you can see by my "Biggest wins" posts. So, for me, it was a "win, win" to drop by as I was passing the car dealership anyway.

The other photo at the top is money I got from recycling aluminum cans and tin foil that I used and a few electronic items that broke so I cut the cords off and took them to the recycle place along with a copper hose that I bought at a used store for $1. I ended up getting $3.20 and spent the $1 on the pipe so I made $2.20 for dropping over to the recycle place with my very small bag of cans and other things that would have gotten thrown out anyway.

I got the city involved recycling so I drop over as the money is donated to the high school school so I just have a bag hanging in my garage and when I am throwing something out that is metal, I take it over and donated it to the school. I love it when I make money on little things that don't take much effort.

The recycle places take anything electronic or metal of any kind for the most part. They don't give you much unless it is aluminum, brass, or copper. Those metals bring in the most money. I figure whatever they get doesn't go into the land fill so we are happy with whatever gets donated.

You may want to look into getting some free money!

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