
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Balloons, Balloons, Balloons

One of my friends called me this week asking how far I lived from a town where they were having a balloon festival and if I wanted to come and visit with her while they went to the festival.

I asked my girl's if they anted to travel over to see the balloons. We didn't want to get up early and see them in the morning as with travel it would have been quite early but she called us later and asked if we wanted to go at night and enjoy a concert and the balloons lighting up at night.

My girls were game so we loaded up and drove to meet my friends and enjoy some hot air balloons.

We watched the concert and when it started to get dark, the balloons went up. I had never been that close to a hot air balloon before but let me tell you how hot they get when they are "glowing." I couldn't believe that their hair doesn't singe. Because of limited space, they only lit up 8 balloons.

We had a fun night enjoying music, friends and balloons.

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