
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ultimate Tuna Sandwich, Wrap or Dip

As you know if you have read my blog for awhile, I like changing up recipes and adding my own twist to them. I never liked the traditional tuna sandwich and haven't always been big on bread so I have come up with some twists that I enjoy.

I add raw sunflower seeds almost each time I make tuna. It gives it a little crunch but they aren't hard. I also add dried chives crumbled up. Most times, I have some sprouts growing and I add those but this week with company and being busy, I didn't have any growing but we really enjoy sprouts mixed into the tuna.

Lately, I have been adding raw pumpkin seeds to the mix. It gives a bigger texture and this time I added both the sunflower and the pumpkin seeds. I also add chopped up celery along with the mayo.

Sometimes if I want it spicy, I will add crushed red pepper, curry or garlic salt to the mix.

When I was trying to skip eating bread with yeast, I started making tuna and eating it with potato or corn chips using the tuna as a dip. This is a favorite at our house and the kids will mix some up for themselves and use it as a dip.

I still am not big on plain bread so I usually eat tuna as a wrap and we always enjoy a bit of avocado on it.

One of our favorites is to grill the tuna with some cheese on it making a grilled cheese and tuna sandwich. You can also do this with a tortilla and put a little salsa tortilla along with the tuna and cheese making it a spicy Mexican style tuna.

I used to be afraid to mix things in or change up a recipe. Now, I just add things and if I don't like it, we don't do it again. It is similar to when I started custom painting. I was afraid I would "mess it up." When I realized I could just paint it over, I started to do whatever I thought would look good. It make the experience more fun and not once have I ever had to repaint something.

By taking this attitude, I have been able to enjoy trying new things, use different spices and find some favorites my family likes. What could use some spicing up in your life?

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