
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Great Escape Holiday

This weekend was so busy. I needed to get my youngest Princess to visit her dad for a few weeks about 9 hours away. Princess number 2 was coming home for the long weekend about a 5 hour drive and was picking up someone to go with Princess number 1 to take Princess number 5 the long distance. Princess number 3 had a boy coming to take her on a date and he was driving about 2 hours to do that so they ended up at our house for a few hours in between each part of their date. Princess number 2 had people over for a party while she visited home. Princess numbers 2, 3 and 4 all had last day of school parties where they were out VERY late. All the while I did the cooking, packing, changing sheets, planning etc for the weekend.

My family has a park, picnic, softball game every year but I was stressed about all the driving as they were in different directions and also the cost of gas and the wear on the car. We probably put 1700 miles on our cars this past week with all the visits and trips. So, I didn't feel like making the long trip and paying for the gas.

We also spent some time singing to patients in one of the local hospitals. They seemed to enjoy our visit as we let each one choose a song and we enjoyed sharing our talents with those stuck in a hospital on the holiday weekend.

I was grateful that with the food I had in the freezer and at home, I was able to feed everyone and provide snacks and treats for everyone without extra cost.

Today, however, we needed groceries as I now have three girls home daily as school is out. They are busy but will still need meals. So, I went to the store and spent over $100 in just perishable foods. I was stressing as I came out about spending that much on food and on the floor between the outer two doors at WalMart, I found a dime. I laughed and said to my girls. "Heavenly Father loves, me. I used to get pennies all the time and now I get dimes." I decided to stop stressing and trust him to take care of the bills as he always has.

Princess number 2 called to tell me she made the long trip back to school safely and I told her about shopping and the dime. She laughed and said, "I went to WalMart here when I arrived home and found a penny on the way out."

My coin jar where I put all the coins I find is getting quite the pile in it. I forgot to write about the U2 concert. When I was leaving, there was a penny on the ground. How blessed am I?

So, this weekend, I sat at home in between cooking meals etc and worked on a puzzle that princess number 5 thought we should do. It is 2000 pieces. I spent hours working on it and finally got some of the "friends" that were over this weekend to help finish it as I would rather work on my hand print quilt than do a puzzle. It is a beautiful puzzle of Christ coming for "Passover" and as beautiful as it is, I am glad it is done. I still have a way to go on my last two quilts.

I hope you had a wonderful memorial day. I took a moment with my girls to reflect on those who have done so much to get us where we are today. We are blessed with a great heritage.

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