
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Princess Five Surprise

I arrived home late last evening from an out of town conference and was thrilled to have my youngest princess home earlier than expected from her month with her father.

We were all very happy to see her. I sent her with some projects to keep her busy. She has never been alone for long periods of time because she is the youngest so she had 8 hours a day alone while her dad was at work. She used her time well.

She took a hat loom with her (see Mad hatters part one and two with these links) and made many hats to donate to the Woman's Shelter. She also had time to read some books she wanted to finish.

She bought "Just Dance 2" for the Wii and memorized most of the dances which shows how often she worked out while gone. She brought the game home and today, we had some fun playing the game as a family.

It is quite the workout. I think I may need to figure out a workout plan using the game.

While at my out of town conference, I found lots of coins in my path. I went to clean my mothers apartment and while leaving the store where I bought cleaning supplies, I found a penny. While at the holistic health conference, I was thrilled by the last presenter I attended. I was discussing with my sister how I thought the information would be very helpful in my life when I looked down to see a penny. I stopped mid word and said to my sister, "Guess what I just found?" She laughed and said, "A penny?" I gave her that penny because I had so many of my own from the weekend. Here are the coins I found.

The last picture is the bottom of my "found coins vase" where I put all the coins I have found since starting this last year. I am getting quite the collection.

God keeps reminding me to trust him. I'm glad he gives me those reminders. Welcome home Princess number five!

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