
Friday, June 17, 2011

Kale Chips Part 2

I hadn't make kale or collard green chips for some time so when the food bank had a case of washed, bagged and cut collard greens, I was thrilled.

I wasn't thrilled to find out however that I was almost out of raw cashews which are used to make the dressing for the kale chips. I improvised and added raw pecans, and sunflower seeds instead. Here is the improvised recipe:

The coating or dressing: Juice of two lemons and their zest. (2/3 of a cup when I poured it into my measuring cup. I have used Real lemon juice before if needed.)This time I used "Real" lemon juice and zested 1/4 a lemon as I like the lemon flavor.
1/2 cup of water
1 cup of cashews This time I used 1/3 each cashew, pecan, sunflower seed.
1 teaspoon of salt
1 tablespoon of olive oil
1/2 a large bunch of coriander (I didn't have fresh so I used a cup of dried which worked well and tasted fine.) This time I used about 3/4 cup dried parsley
2 cloves of garlic (I used chopped from a bottle)
Put all ingredients into a blender until it is a paste
texture. Put it over the greens and mix it in with your clean hands until all of the pieces are coated on both sides.

Place them on your dehydrator or teflex sheets in a single layer. You can use other greens. I have used cilantro and parsley. Any leafy vegetable will work. If you have used a green other than kale you might want to make sure that it's not lying completely flat on the teflex. It may stick. Depending on the dehydrator, it can take anywhere from 4 hours to 24 hours. I had three and one was great in about 5 hours, one in 10 hours and the other took 24 hours. It did have double the amount of trays however. I ate some of the kale with the coating as a salad and it was very good. Store in Tupperware of course!

I like the kale raw with the dressing almost better than the dried chips. I liked the thickness of this one over the other one (see link at top)and I liked that I put more zest in this one and it tastes more lemony. My sister asked me to post this so she could try it so I thought I would share it with you as well.

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