
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My Sisters Scrapping Camping Card

I have a sister that can do amazing things with paper, wire and some fibers. I have all the supplies to scrap book but never quite find the time to do it myself. For years I have admired her work. She teaches classes and comes up with the most amazing things. The county had a celebration where it gave 100 people squares and asked them to decorate them for an anniversary activity for the county. My sister was asked to participate. I haven't taken photos of it yet but when it goes on display with the others at the end of this week, I will show you what she came up with.

For now, you will have to "suffer" through her Easter card. We were camping last weekend and I couldn't believe what she came up with to keep her busy camping. I fretted taking my one little project for everyone to participate in and will post about that tomorrow but here is her amazing craft. It is a card that you pull the little tab on the top and up pops from the top and bottom of the card, little inserts that say things. I asked her if she would be willing to show me how she made it and so she put one together for me.

Of course, she makes it look easy and just popped everything together but at least you will get the idea. First you cut out the "holder" for the pull outs. This is what it looks like and will be folded in thirds to make the case or holder. Then you cut a strip of a plastic shopping bag and fold it around the indented part of the card holder. It needs to be loose enough that it will slide fairly easily.

She used double sided sticky tape/tabs to hold the plastic bag onto itself. She then made the inside pop up cards. Once those were decorated, she measured where they should be placed on the inside of the card so they wouldn't have one sticking out or popping up before the other. she used double sided sticky tape to adhere the card to the plastic bag. Make sure you don't stick the bag to the outer holding card or the inner card will stick and not move easily.

Once you have one side stuck onto the plastic ring of shopping bag, you place that side inside the card before taping the other inside card onto the plastic shopping bag ring. Also, make sure that the edge of the shopping bag is near the top (as in the photo) so it doesn't catch on the inner card, this will make it not slide well. She placed ribbon and fibers in a hole punched in the top of the top/inner card so that it would be easier to pull the card out. She used a trick I have never used with paper and fiber. She used a latch hook to pull the fibers and ribbon through the hole that was punched. It pulled it through quickly and easily making the knot effortless. She is so resourceful that way.

Once the inner cards are in place securely, test the card by folding the outer card around them and pull the inner cards making sure the card pulls easily. Then secure the outer card with glue or sticky tape and then decorate the front of the card. She used rick-rack, wire, button, fiber, ribbon, chalk and paper.

Once you have it decorated, send it to those you love because spending that much time on anything to give away means something. She made it look easy and it went fast as she had everything cut and decorated and was just putting it together for me. It really is a piece of art. Who said art has to hang on the wall?

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