
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Minute to Win it - Camping style

My family was looking for something fun to do with the older children as the younger kids get to do an Easter egg hunt. Each year we come up with something new such as "Fear Factor" or a scavenger hunt. This year, my brother and his wife brought the makings of "Minute to Win it."

They had about 20 games with three teams competing against the clock and not each other. They had someone keep track of times and if the task was completed within one minute.

My girls had a blast every time they took a turn. Everyone set up camp chairs so they could watch. I will show a few photos of the times that my girls and I took a turn playing.

If you notice the top photo, there is a marshmallow hanging in the air in the center and they had to have a marshmallow on the plate on the table, hit the plate with the broom handle and the marshmallow flies into the air where they catch it with the cup.

My only turn consisted of blowing up three balloons and keeping all three in the air for 10 seconds. The blowing up and tying the balloons, I ruled, however, the wind was blowing so keeping the balloons in the air was a bust by all three teams.

My sister had a challenge where they had to stack soda cans on plates starting with one can and then two on a plate, then three, up to five on a plate. She was the only one that got them all on but didn't finish in a minute.

My oldest did one where she had a yard stick with a battery on either end and they had to race across camp without losing a battery and having to start over. She won but then we realized her batteries were flat on the bottom and the other brand they used were rounded making it an unfair contest.

Princess 3 and 5 competed in one that had two containers of tic-tacs taped on a ruler and they had to dump them out using their teeth. That was fun until my twin nieces tried to eat the tic-tacs out of the sand. :-) Gotta love kids!!

I have never seen the show but by the sounds of the cheers from our crowd, it is probably a hit. We really enjoyed playing and it was fun to adapt it for camping. It was also quite funny to watch which kept every one's attention which is hard for such a varied aged group.

We took lots of fun prizes and let all the kids take one and they each got a bag of candy and treats as well. It was a hit.

I asked my brothers wife where she got all the games and she told me on the NBC website so I went and checked it out and for ease, I will put the link here.

You could adapt it for each holiday by adding some costumes or traditional items from that holiday into some games etc. Have fun in a minute where ever you are~

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