
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Ozonator - Kills Mold, Freshens Air and Saved My Life

Several years ago, I had a shower leak in my bathroom. I had a bath mat and didn't notice that the linoleum was bubbling up until it discolored black. I was naive and thought I should take care of it myself. I was strapped for money and had 3 other flood issues that week so I figured I would do the work myself.

I started pulling out the flooring and and chipped away the sub flooring that was black. I wasn't smart and I didn't wear an airtight mask. Half way through, I tried one of the small hospital masks but that just gave the mold a moist warm environment to take hold.

By the end of the week, I could hardly breath. I couldn't sleep anywhere near my room. I couldn't sleep lying down. I had to sit up and sleep on the living room couch. I was extremely worried about my health but I don't have health insurance so I didn't dare go to the hospital and wondered what they would do for mold in my lungs anyway.

I prayed for help and someone mentioned the owner of our local health food store. They said he had a mold problem in the past and used an ozonator for it. I looked up ozonators online and liked what I saw. I went to the health food store and asked the man working there about his situation. He said they bought the ozonator from They had a mold problem in their old home and used it in the bathroom. Since they moved, they weren't using it anymore. I asked him about buying it.

God is good to me and so was the owner of the store. He GAVE me the ozonator which is a $350 or so unit. Here is a link to the unit I have. The site has lots of information on ozone and its uses.

After researching types of units and over the years trying three other types of ozonators for other things, I LOVE this unit and brand and can't recommend other brands as I haven't had the same results. One machine kept breaking or shorting out. Another wasn't adjustable and gave huge amounts of ozone and the other wasn't very powerful and had an awful smell. I couldn't be anywhere near it. It didn't smell like the air-zone ozone. Air-zone smells like the smell after a big rain storm.

I put the unit in my kitchen to purify the whole upstairs and then was planning on working it through to my bathroom but wanted to kill any spores in the rest of the house first.

While the machine was on the highest power in the kitchen, I was sitting at the bottom of my stairs on the phone. I had other flooding going on in my house at the time and had all my storage room filling the basement family room and hall etc.

I talked on the phone for at least an hour. I could smell the ozone just a little but what I noticed over the hour was that I was able to breath better. It was slight at first but got deeper and deeper into my lungs and I was able to breath better than I had in a week or two. I wondered how I would do if I slept with it on the lower setting with it in my room at night, if it would kill the mold in my lungs.

I did some research and thought I would give it a try. I learned that ozone is heavier than air and that is why it came down the stairs. It also kills almost anything so that is why it was helping my lungs. I put it on a 2 setting out of ten, stuck it on a shelf in my room and slept with it on for about 2 weeks. My lungs were clear and I haven't had a problem with them since.

I have used the machine when I had a chest cold but I think I have only had one in years so we really haven't used it much other than when we had flooding.

I have lent it out over the years to others who have had a problem with mold with good results.

One or two cautions. If you are around high amounts of ozone on a constant basis, you can cause health problems and headaches. Only use small amounts and low levels when animals or humans are around. Also, Ozone breaks down rubber so don't use regularly near electronics or other items that may have rubber parts that can break down. If you need to clear a room on a high setting for a few hours, remove anything that may get damaged before "shock" treating a room.

"Shock" treatment is high ozone for a few hours to kill any mold spores. Humans and animals should not be in a room that is getting high doses of Ozone for any reason.
This would be a great item to have for a plague outbreak. It kills almost anything and you could just have it going on at your home on a constant low setting. I spoke to the owner a few years ago and he said he would be willing to discount the units on bulk sales if you are into emergency preparedness, this is a must item to have.

I have to say that it didn't get the mold out of my sinuses but my loving Heavenly Father showed me a different way to get that situation cleared up so I will post about that tomorrow.

I didn't take any photos as my life was crazy at the time. I did take a photo of the floor my dear friend and her husband helped put in to fix my bathroom floor. They got donated tile, put down the tile and helped me with the nightmare flood that happened in my storage room while they were on their way down to help. Here is the picture of her husband's "thumb print" on my "hall of fame" wall. He put a bathroom with tile in front since that was what he did at my house. Thanks Sara and hubby for all your help! Here is the "Hall of Fame" post:


  1. Hello, I moved to another house in Springville. The last owner had the garage set up as his play area where he and all his friends would come to smoke, the garage smells really bad. would the ozone generator work to help remove the smell of all that smoke?

  2. Yes, the ozonator would remove the smoke smell. I have used it for that, mildew, stalke smells etc. It workes well for any smell. Don't use it when you are using oils in a diffuser or they compete against each other.
