
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Broiled Dill Salmon or Other Fish

I have been making salmon for years. I wait until it goes on sale as whole fresh caught wild salmon. It seems that every year there is a great sale during salmon season.

I buy it whole frozen bulk and freeze it. I will pull it out and run it under warm water for a few minutes and then cut it while it is still frozen using a cleaver.

I then cut it into steaks leaving the bones in but I do cut off the fins. I then turn the oven to broil to heat up while I place the salmon on foil, curling the edges up, on a cookie sheet. I pour some type of milk over the salmon to keep it moist. The edges curled up helps keep the milk near the salmon or other type of fish. I have used this on many types of fish. You can use this method with boneless fish steaks as well.

Since my family has dairy allergies, I usually use rice milk but today I thought I would try the almond milk I just got. I usually buy the almond milk that is boxed like the rice milk but this one was in the dairy case so I tried it. It seemed to work OK.

Once the milk is on the fish, I sprinkle any type of dill seasoning on the fish. I like this particular dill dip but I have used straight dill or other season blends containing dill.

I broil it for about 15 minutes or until the fish is done. Salmon turns a nice color pink when done. Trout and other white fish get milky looking when done.

This is nice served with a dill/yogurt sauce. I forgot we used the plain yogurt for another recipe so I didn't have any plain to make it but you just add some of the dill spice mix with plain yogurt and use as a dipping sauce or spread the sauce over the fish.

I was going to show a nice plate of food with our salad, fish, wild rice, squash and bread but I was busy and the kids started without me. There was nothing left. They all used to say they didn't like fish but every time I made it for myself, they asked to have some. Now they all love fish and each girl complimented the meal tonight. It really is a family favorite.

A funny side note. I made some frozen California blend veggies a few weeks ago and used a dill season and the girls all said the veggies tasted like fish. :-) They all loved the vegetables and they were gone quickly so that probably isn't a bad thing.

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