
Friday, April 8, 2011

Not So Perfect, Perfect Day....

I won't tell you that it is almost 4 a.m. I won't tell you that my oldest daughter and I spent almost 7 hours scanning photos at WalMart only to have the machine shut off on her before allowing her to save her 700 plus photos she scanned onto a CD.

I won't tell you that I have a migraine and haven't been sleeping well. I won't tell you I was up late helping my 3rd princess get posters and handouts ready as she is running for student body president and they told her today that she needed to have everything up tomorrow. (None of the candidates got any more notice.)

I won't tell you that we are leaving for out of town today for the weekend and I am not packed and that I have a list of 10 things that I have to do before we leave. I won't tell you that it is supposed to snow today. I won't tell you my 3rd princess needs driving hours to get her licence because her permit is now a year old and she has to take the test again. I won't tell you that I have to take the suburban to deliver a washer to a family member in need which ups the gas to over $100. That also means an inexperienced driver gets to drive a loaded suburban in the snow. (A new driver is always stressful anyway.)

I won't tell you that my eldest is still having health problems and can't seem to figure out what the problem is. I won't tell you that I have sleep apnea, restless leg and teeth grinding issues and don't ever get enough sleep. I won't tell you that my second oldest Princess is taking 21 credit hours trying to finish up her Bachelors degree and I am worried about her more than I have been probably in her life.

I won't tell you that my youngest is going to go to her dad's this summer by herself for the first time and is worried to be at his new house all day every day alone in a different state where she doesn't know the neighbors. She has always had someone around being the youngest. There are other things I won't tell you about because they aren't things I can write publicly but they cause me much stress but like I said, I won't tell you about that.

I won't tell you about the "comments" that someone posted that were critical and not true or founded which prompted me to write this post.

In the end, it really doesn't matter. I post because I "feel" it is something I should do. I am a busy mom and I am single and I know even with all my flaws and human behaviors, I am doing the best I can and that Heavenly Father LOVES me as he does each of his children. Even those that need to point out flaws in others who are trying to do their best. I know I have been the one to point out flaws in others at times. We all take turns in different roles in life.

I know Heavenly Father loves me because as I was at Walmart scanning pictures all afternoon and evening, I looked down and there was a dime at the base of my scanning booth. I was reminded to "trust in God" once again. I am working on my issues of needing to be criticized and to forgive those who feel the need to criticize. Aren't we all just doing the best that we can? (See post )

So even though things may not seem so perfect some days, I am trying to give gratitude for the perfect, "not so perfect" days and remember that God loves us all and I am so glad that he keeps sending me reminders! I also had many gratitude moments throughout the day reminding me how happy I am being single and in life as there are much worse things.

I hope you find some money on the ground on your "Not So Perfect, Perfect Day" that will remind you that "He" loves you and "In God We (should) Trust!"

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