
Monday, March 21, 2011

Fairy Tale Evening - Jr. Prom 2011

Prom was Friday night for darling number three. Once again my wonderful father came driving 6 hours for one dance but who wouldn't want to dance with this princess?

We were so blessed to be able to get her dress for under $100 new because it needed a new zipper. I fixed the zipper and altered the shoulders and took in the top and she looked beautiful.

She was voted first attendant to the Prom Queen who ended up being one of her best friends so we took lots of fun photos of the two during the evening.

She enjoyed her date and went to the breakfast put on by the school after. It was a wonderful night. Thanks to my sister and our girls who did much of the work putting everything together, it was beautiful.

Three down and two to go. Such a wonderful time in a teenagers life! I had a fun night getting to dance with her for a few minutes and my sweet father stayed a little extra and danced with all my girls. The smiles were huge knowing their grandpa wanted to dance with them.

The funniest moment was when I took over dancing with my daughter for a minute and my father started dancing with my brother-in-law. We got a few funny photos and all had a great evening while creating wonderful memories. I am so grateful for the blessings in my life.

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