
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dream Believer - Dream Interpretation

I don't know if any of you have ever had a dream come true but around our house, that is becoming more common. I don't remember many dreams from when I was younger. In fact, I can only recall once ever waking up with a nightmare.

About 12 years ago, I had a dream that was in color. It was the first time I had ever remembered dreaming in color and the dream was so vivid, I remember every detail. I wrote it down. I asked a friend who is similar to what I believe an Indian medicine man would be like. He just "knows" things. He gave me some suggestions of what he thought the dream could mean. Flash forward a few years.

I was going through my divorce. My oldest daughter comes home from visiting with her dad. She said, "Dad told me today that you won't make it. He said you "can't" make it because he has figured it out financially." That may seem like an odd thing to be writing about but in my dream, he told me those exact words as I was struggling to try and "Make it." I stopped what I was doing and went to find where I had written down that dream. Because it was so vivid, I recorded it. Not that any part wasn't still embedded in my brain but I was in shock. As I reviewed the dream, I realized everything to that point had actually happened but the dream still had an ending which hadn't happened.

This was new to me and I started having vivid dreams a bit more often. There were some in color and those were the dreams that were the one's that started coming true. Of course everyone has weird dreams and we don't always know how to interpret or understand them but I believe now after years of doing this that many dreams do have meaning but we just need to learn to understand the symbols. Not very often in dreams do we see letters or words. The impressions come in pictures.

Flash to about 10 years ago. My daughter had a dream that a boy she liked died. He did. She had another dream a few years ago that a boy died, and he did. Over the past two or three years, she has had about 5 dreams come true dealing with others in her life. Some have gotten sick. Some have left school early. Some have moved. All this was without seeing the person recently or talking with them. She wouldn't see them for years, have the dream and find out within a week or so that what she dreamed had come true.

Four years ago last month, I had a dream that was the most intense dream of my life. I dreamed that my mom was going to die if I didn't get to her city during a blizzard. I had to be at the hospital because there would be something only I could do to save her. I was sobbing in the dream. I never have before or since remembered crying in a dream. I stayed with my mom until she "turned two corners and was walking on her own." She was at a school while all this happened.

This dream was so vivid that I called my sisters and told them about the dream and also told my children and my sister-in-law who lives down the street from my mother.

Flash forward a week. My sister called me and asked if I had spoken to my mom. I told her I tried a few times and it was busy and she wasn't answering her cell phone. My sister had been trying also. She called another sister and asked about her. This sister had visited with her on Saturday and said my mom had a fever so she gave her some fever reducing pills and juice and put her to bed. None of us lived close to my mother. My sister called my oldest brother who lived down the street and asked him to check on my mom. He was busy but said he would later.

My sister felt stressed and something told her she needed to visit my mom. She drove with her husband the hour drive and used the hidden key to get in. My mom had fallen in a fever while getting dressed and way lying stuck on the floor between the dresser and her bed on her left side. She had been there for two days.

The two books pictured are the ones I use if I have a question about a dream. The one at the top is my favorite. It has been chewed on by our dog, the pages have fallen out and I had to take it to be bound recently. I have bought others but didn't keep them as these two seemed to be more accurate in my life. Many people have asked me to interpret their dreams using the books and they have also agreed with the interpretation. If you decide to get one, I suggest Betty Bethards, "The Dream Book."
To be continued.....

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