
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Zojirushi Bread Maker Blessing

While visiting my mother over Christmas, she said she had a bread maker she didn't want. She didn't say where she got it but my brother was there at the same time and she offered it to him.

He said they had the Zojirushi brand already and they loved it. He said his wife did lots of research before buying it and that it was an expensive brand. I wouldn't have taken it otherwise as I have had bread makers before and not had the best results. I was blessed my brother was there. It was odd he was there as I had never been to her apartment while he has been there in the past. It ended up being a blessing he was there while I was.

I printed out a manual for it online. My brother has the larger machine that makes a 2 + lbs loaf but this one makes 1 -1 1/2 pound loaves. As I researched it, I found that it has a very good rating and lots of wonderful reviews. I put a post it note next to the finished loaf so you could see the size of the smaller loaf.

As I started to read the instruction booklet, I was very impressed with all the options. They have timers and short and long rise options and just a dough setting.

I am not one for making white bread. I usually make whole wheat when I do make it but don't make it often as I eat it when I make it and I am trying to lose weight so that isn't a good plan. I wanted to make sure it worked so I poured in all the ingredients. It was as simple as that.

Ok, so it wasn't as simple as that. I didn't read enough and didn't realize that I used quick rise yeast and put it on the double rise mix so the yeast was dead before the final rise and I ended up with a brick the first time I made it.

However, the second try was much better. I did just dump in the ingredients and plug it in.

Once I plugged in the machine, all I had to do was shift one button to make the quick rise method as I was using quick rise yeast. That was it. Soon, the smell in the house was heavenly. I do have to admit that when I cut it open to taste it, I had a really hard time not eating more than the "trial" piece as it was light and fluffy.

I have yet to try the whole wheat setting but wonder if it is as easy as it appears to make. I think I will use the dough method and just freeze tons of balls of dough in the freezer like Rhodes rolls and just use them for Sunday dinner rolls each week.

I also want to see if I can make a sprouted bread or oat bread in it. Should be fun trying it out. Thanks mom!

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