
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Colonix - Update on My Oldest's Health

My oldest hasn't been able to figure out what is wrong with her health. I wanted to give the Dr. time to find out what they could before trying a parasite cleanse. The Dr.'s found nothing.

So, we are trying the parasite cleanse to see if she gets any relief and hope that parasites are the problem as at least we can identify and combat it.

After my first trip to Peru. I got online and searched for something to help as I knew I brought something home as I couldn't have consistent regularity. Most of the time things just ran through me but it would vary.

After much research, I decided to try Colonix Cleanse by Dr. Natura. It entails taking a tea at night, fiber and paranil (anti-parasites) pills in the morning. I liked the photo gallery and testimonials I read. (Not that I enjoyed looking at the photos but it made me believe that the product worked.) Here is a link to some great testimonies and pictures.

I ordered the product and did the cleanse. I had similar result to most of the testimonials on their site but wasn't interested in diving in the "throne" to find things and take photos. I was happy to just feel better and be more normal in my life again.

I did order a set for one of my daughters who has suffered her whole life with constipation (and I mean her whole life) as I used to have to give her enemas, prune and apple juice and regularly used suppositories on her as an infant to get her to go. We had several Dr.'s check her out and they said it was "just how her body did things."

When she used it she lost lots of stomach bloat, weight and said she felt great and was "normal now."

Flash forward to the next year we went to Peru. I returned home and wasn't having bowel symptoms so didn't think I had parasite issues. I couldn't figure out why I was so tired all the time, was anemic and had serious bloating and stomach cramping. However, my bowel routine was normal so I didn't associate my problem with parasites. I prayed for God to help me as I was in bed exhausted most of the day and night and if I stood, I would black out and have to grab onto something to not fall.

One night, I had a dream, that tiny black bugs were eating all the food I tried to get into my mouth and then they went into my hand through my finger on my left hand. I was so freaked out (still in my dream) that I dug down into my hand to see where it went. It looked like a little earthworm and had two hooks in the tissue. I awoke freaked out. I called my sister and told her sister about it but I didn't really think anything of it.

Flash forward to a few nights later. I climb into bed and am saying my prayers and "something" makes me feel like I need to get up and look up "Hook worms" on the internet. I looked them up and I had EVERY symptom but one. A rash. Then, I remembered my dream and where the bugs entered my body and it all became VERY clear to me.

I gave the natives in Peru pedicures while I was there. I boiled the water but it had to be cool to put their feet into it. They had bleach there but it was the same bottle that was there the year before and who knows how long before that and bleach only has about a 3 month shelf life.

I wore latex gloves but the water kept getting into them and so I finally took them off as they weren't helping. Well, that night and the next week, I had a rash on my left index finger that was VERY itchy and it was where the bugs in the dream entered my body.

So, I once again ordered colonix and took it. I am grateful to say that the symptoms cleared and I felt better and have been able to live again.

Now, my oldest has been taking it for a month and is on her second month. She is private and I haven't asked about anything coming out and don't know that she is as interested as some of the people on the Dr. Natura website. She has been having clogged lymph pain and the bouts were about a month apart so I do think it is related to parasites dying off making her lymph sluggish. The first was about a week after she started the cleans and was in her upper leg area. Her main problem has always been her knees so for that we are using a percusser to get the lymph to move. A trampoline would also work for that. "Bodyflex" breathing would also help move her lymph but I can't get her interested in doing that so the percusser will have to do.

I would encourage everyone to use this product. It has saved me twice now. It is about the price of a Dr. visit with tests and is a wonderful product. Check out all the testimonials (it will take hours) but I thought it was interesting how many people had different issues that were helped. One girl had a bad smell all the time, another bad breath, another headaches, others had bloating, others metallic taste in the mouth etc. If you eat meat, you have parasites. If you have animals, you will have parasites.

The company also has a detox product. I can't testify to that as I haven't used it yet due to finances but look forward to trying it sometime. If you try it, let me know how it worked for you.

Anyway, that is the latest from my oldest. I am grateful for this product and to all of you who have kept her in your prayers!

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