
Monday, February 21, 2011

Valentines Tadition Part 2

We finally got to do our Valentines treasure hunt tonight. My second daughter came home for the weekend but my youngest two had visitations with their dad until this evening. So, tonight was the night as tomorrow, sweet daughter number 2 is headed back to school which is over 4 hours away.

I hurriedly put together about 13 clues all over the house. Sometimes we go outside but since it was late, dark and cold, we opted for the inside version. We put a clue with a bag of treats or trinkets at every stop. It is fun to have one clue upstairs and one down, then one up. It keeps them running.

Some of our favorite hiding spots are the "washer" we have an antique washing machine on the front porch so they never now which washer, clothes, dishes or antique. We have an antique sewing machine so that gives a few options as I have several machines. We have a stored microwave so the hunt wasn't so easy as they had to go to my daughters stored microwave in the basement to get one of the clues after finding our microwave empty.

It is fun to give hints that go with the clue. I bought them each a pack of their favorite razors and in the bag with those it said, "This is where I would use a razor" or "Where I would shave my legs." The next stop on the hunt was in the shower.

I usually go to the dollar store and buy things they would use anyway but mix it up with Valentines candy they like and toys that they enjoy. Silly Putty is always a favorite. They got paddle balls, silly putty, tattoos, crazy straws, bear figurines, pencils, razors, fingernail polishes, hats, socks, mugs, candy, and a few other little treats and gifts. Really you can use anything. Most of the fun is in the hunt and the tradition.

I heard another cute tradition I will just mention here. The family tied treats onto a piece of red string. They had a name at one end of the string and tied prizes along that string. Then, the next person they did the same but the string ran all over the house crossing over the other people's string but the persons whose name was on that string got the prizes that were tied to the string. It sounds like fun but possibly a tangled nightmare. I did buy some red twine string the other day. Perhaps I will do that next year.

I would love to hear about your Valentine traditions.

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