
Friday, February 18, 2011

The Answer to Prom

My daughter and her friend were going to answer their dates to prom together and I will tell you what they wanted to do but we were really busy and her date is just as busy so it didn't work out.

They were going to go to several stores and fast food places around town and have the guys have to sing for pieces to the answer. Songs that relate to what the store sell etc.

We had to opt for another option. I was worried about cost as I am trying to save to send this same daughter on a service mission to Kenya this summer along with a few other camps and activities so spending tons on the answer would be a stretch. I woke and and was thinking about it in the morning and said a prayer how we could answer him in a cute way but keep it inexpensive.

Into my mind came some Valentines Day things I bought at the after the holiday sales a few years ago when my second daughter was starting to date thinking we could use them but she ended up leaving home a year early to attend a School for the Arts in another city so they didn't get used.

After school that day, I pulled out all the items and we had everything we needed to answer him. I had sucker Valentines from "Cars" and several boxes of candy conversation hearts that we sprinkled all over his room. We made a candy trail using all the candy from the front door of his house down to his room.

Once in his room, we had a heart bouncy rubber heart lamp that said "Love" on it. We had a boa lighted feather heart light we put at the head of his bed. Then put balloons on the floor and candy and a stuffed bear on his bed. On the wall, we took down a picture and put up the little magnetic heart frame board and it had magnet little wooden conversation hearts and we put a pink heart on it that said, "I would (heart with "yes" in the center) to go with you."

His family went out for dinner and when they came back he said he was "shocked to see candy lining the way to his room." And, it was fun to have his light off and have lamps lighting up his room.

He is a good friend and she is excited to go with her group of friends. I'll post photos that night. How exciting for her. We are still debating on hair as I like up and she likes down. It's her night so we'll see what she chooses.

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