
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Memory Hand Print and Jean Quilt Part 2

I posted about a week ago about my oldest daughters memory quilt. I had no idea how many hours of work it would be. We have taken hands squares to quilt with us all over town to work on while we would be sitting. We worked hard cutting out the jean squares, flannel, felt batting and quilting the hands and then qyilting the other squares. She quilted arouhd the pockets and we did quilting on the inside of the pocket so it would show through to the outside and quilted the pocket itself for the "look" but she can actually put things in the pockets. Now that quilting work is done, we were hoping to get the sewing done today but other things came up.

So, I am hoping we will get it done tomorrow but I was so excited about how it is coming out that I wanted to show you how it is looking all laid out. It is still sad that it has taken me 15 years to put it together but she is happy with how it is looking. The other girls want one now. I think I may have to take some paint and squares to our next family function.

This would be a great gift for grandparents. We were thinking how much fun it would be for a wedding. Having everyone sign a different square for a quilt. Having them put their thumb prints and signing or a hand print square for everyone there and you could do both sides with hands.

There are lots of fun ideas on how to adjust this quilt. I am excited to finish it.

1 comment:

  1. I made five of these quilts so if you are reading this, please type in hand print quilt in the search at the bottom to see how I learned to make it more quickly and easy. There will be many posts on the others I made.
