
Thursday, January 20, 2011

It's Not Chikugunya After All

Well after two months waiting for the CDC results, we got a call saying that Melissa doesn't have Chikugunya and she didn't get Dengue while in the Philippines.

We are at a loss and the Dr.'s said they think it may be a new virus that isn't "discovered" yet. She has had a rough week with her knees hurting but on a good note, she turned 23 this week!

Basically, the Dr. said they can't help her and hope she feels better soon. I wrote the world specialist Dr. Simmons who is all over the internet for Pacific illnesses. I am hoping he may have more information than the CDC. His website says he is looking for new and emerging illnesses. So, perhaps he will be able to help her.

She had a great birthday and we have been enjoying having her home and spending time with her. This illness has been a blessing for us. Her younger sisters didn't remember much about her as she has been gone 6 years and for my 11 year old, that is half of her life and I don't know about you but I don't remember much about being six. So, we have all enjoyed getting to know her again and spend time with her.

I am getting to teach her how to quilt, sew, cook and all those domestic things I didn't have time for when she was younger as I had 4 other little one's needing me. Now, with the girls being older, I have had more time to spend with her.

We are starting her on Colonix which is a wonderful anti-parasite product I used twice when I came back from Peru each time. It is by Dr. Natura. I suggest that everyone try this as we all have parasites if we eat meat. Read some of the information on their website. I found it amazing when I first researched it after returning from Peru. I used it both times with great results. I am hoping if she brought anything home with her, this will take care of it.

I wish I had better news about her but she is keeping her chin up and wishing I lived in a bigger city as there is nothing for a 23 year old in a small town! Thanks for all your prayers in her behalf!

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