
Monday, November 29, 2010

Knee Dr. - What Next?

Well it has been a wonderful week now since my eldest returned home from the Philippines. In that week we have driven the 6 hour round trip drive to the city three times. We had two Thanksgiving dinners, (she actually had three) and she is still on the Philippines time so I haven't gotten much sleep this past week. But, who would complain about that when we have so much to talk about and stories to hear.

I have fallen asleep at the computer several times tonight already. I wanted to update you on how she is doing and how her first week back went. We went up to pick her up last Friday and then on Tuesday, we went back up to the Knee specialist. He said that her bones look good and thinks the pain is muscle related. However, she had different pain in both knees. One leg was swollen 1 1/2 inches larger than the other.

I personally think it is a combination of things. Living and eating in a third world country you can't help but pick up some type of bug. We are hoping to see another specialist on this matter this week. It is a hard time to get in as people are on vacation but I know we can figure this out so she can get on with her life.

She had a wonderful weekend and has been enjoying spending time with friends, family and close relations this past week. Here she is enjoying my family Thanksgiving dinner just a week after arriving home. We had out of state family come and surprise us last minute so each family was represented. What a blessing to have such a wonderful and happy family. We played Bingo and enjoyed catching up with each other.

I'll keep you informed of her health and progress. Thank you all for your prayers and love. We are blessed.

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