
Friday, November 26, 2010

Giving Thanks on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving has always been a favorite holiday. I have so much for which to give thanks. I have been so blessed with healthy kids, a home, cars, windows, carpet, washer/dryer, fridge, freezers, food in the cupboards, health, a loving family, friends, education... Etc, etc, etc.

I could spend hours writing all my blessings. My oldest was grateful for a toilet, toilet seat and carpet when coming home. Dirt floors and holes were the norm where she just came from.

We celebrated Thanksgiving a day early as she and her boyfriend were going to his families home for Thanksgiving day. We enjoyed visiting with friends who were home for the holidays and also enjoyed family time.

I wish I could get my .com page going so I could read about all the things you are grateful for this Thanksgiving time....

Either way, thanks for sharing Thanksgiving with us in a small way.

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