
Monday, August 2, 2010

"How does your garden grow?"

How wonderful it was to arrive home from vacation and find produce in the garden. Our tomatoes weren't quite red but we have two huge zucchinis to use along with red peppers and several types of leaf lettuce. We picked what we wanted to use and brought
it in and washed it.

I cut up the zucchini and some onions and then since we didn't have any tomatoes from the garden, we used stewed tomatoes and I put in raw cashews and seasoned it with crushed garlic and crushed red peppers. The one's from the garden were VERY HOT so I thought I would dry those and use them in a powder form. I cooked the whole thing in olive oil.

I also added some dried mushrooms that I dehydrated this year. I add these almost any time I do a stir-fry. The kids say they don't like them but they always eat them when I
add them. I sometimes put chicken in but I was so excited to use the garden produce that I didn't take the time to pull any chicken out. I hadn't added cashews before but one of my daughters got a bowl and said, "Thanks for making this mom, it is really good." so I guess the cashews were a good addition.

I really enjoyed all the types of lettuce that we had growing. I sometimes think it takes so long to wash the leaves that it isn't worth it but after I do, the taste is amazing and I
am glad I did take the time. I was going to pull some of my rice out of the freezer and put it on top of that but I like hot salad dressings so I thought I would combine the two. So, I ate the stir-fry over the fresh salad. It was so good I had a second plate.

So, "How does your garden grow?" I hope you garden grows so much that you can enjoy the benefits for a long time....

I am look forward to the leftovers tomorrow!

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