
Friday, July 30, 2010

"Framing" my Mother... Part 2

I am not sure why I feel like I need to get all my mom's treasures cleaned up and put back together again but my sister had this idea. She suggested that my mom was broken for years and if I fix up her stuff, I am putting my mom back together again. When she almost died a few years ago, I saved her life several times. Now, I am trying to save her by putting all the broken pieces together again. Kind of like "Humpty Dumpty."

I thought my sisters observations were interesting. Perhaps for those people who are attatchment dissorder, the way to get through to them is by loving their stuff. I had a daughter who would play at friends home's and would only play with their toys and not the children. After years of hard work, she has thankfully worked through that issue but I know some adults who haven't been able to work through that issue and would rather spend time with their things and electronics rather than family and friends.
So, perhaps as I "fix" my mothers stuff, it will touch her to realize that I love her as I serve her by fixing the things she loves. When my mother wants to show her children and grandchildren love, she gives us something. So, I have been trying to do the same for her. It seems to be working. The "Five love languages" book is quite insightful in this way. When you ask someone, "How do you know I love you?" and whatever they answer with, is their love language.

If they say, "I know you love me because you serve me." Then, you know their love language is service. My mother gives gifts and so I know that is her love language. I have another great story about love languages but I will save that for another day. :-) I know you just can't wait!

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