
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Dot Com from Rick

Today, I got the most wonderful gift for my birthday. My youngest brother Rick gave me a dot com site for my birthday.

I was talking to his wife one day about my blog and how she could look up how I do pedicures on my blog. We got to talking about how I was using blogger but it made it hard for people to find or remember sometimes.

My brother jumped up and said he would help me see if "the secret is gratitude" was taken as a dot com. To my joy, it wasn't taken. He showed me about some different host websites and explained a few things but I was in a hurry and wanted to think about if I really wanted to invest more time and money into this blog.

I went home and thought about it during the last few busy weeks of summer. Today while I was in a board meeting for the local food bank, I got the most wonderful text. My brother bought me and paid for a year of hosting for me for my upcoming birthday. I was really surprised and pleased at his thoughtfulness and generosity. The thing he didn't know was that I had decided that I wasn't going to put the money into the dot com and if Heavenly Father wanted the blog moved, it would be his doing.

When I told that to my brother today, he said it was weird that he was trying to log onto his account and couldn't get on but what showed up on the screen was something like, "The secret to having family join" or something that made him think that he needed to do this for me today. So as of today, I am a dot com owner!

Making my birthday wish for the next year before blowing out the candles..... What wonders will God bring into my life this year?

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