
Thursday, August 26, 2010

"Handy" Back Pack

The kids head back to school this week. We had everything ready and my youngest wanted to use a bag instead of a backpack. Well, it didn't go well and she decided she wanted a backpack instead. So, we pulled out the packs we had and she looked at a few to see which would be best for her needs when I had an idea.

We had a pack that we took to Peru on our service mission that got some yellow paint on it while we painted houses. I asked her if she would like to paint the pack with her hands and decorate it with markers. She was all over that.

I got out our acrylic paints and put down our clear plastic painting table cloth. I put on her old paint shirt and away we went.

She picked white, purple and red for the colors she wanted to use. The red paint was a bit thin and didn't show up like I would have liked so we did several layers but she put thumb prints on the little coin case that came with it.

We used Sharpie poster-paints and Roseart metallics color sharp pens to write on the black pack so they would show up. She made peace signs, cool words and other symbols to decorate the pack. She said "My friends will think this is so cool." What a blessing we could find a way to use an old pack and make it fun for her and save me money buying a new one. She enjoyed her evening and I enjoyed seeing her so happy.

What other fun things can we paint? Perhaps a "Handy" pencil case? Here to any other "Handy" ideas!

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