
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Family Photo Shoot Part 2

I don't know if any of you have suffered with sinus headaches, but lately, it has been part of my trial in life. Today was a very hard day having tried two bouts of pills and lots of Coke, I finally got relief from a massage to the neck and head using essential oils and heating pads.

So, today's post will be something that doesn't take much thought on my part for that reason.

As photos shoots with a photographer are expensive, and being a single mom, money is usually a scarce commodity. With that, I continue to do my own photo shoots. I have found that I prefer my creative shots to others "standard" type photo shoots. This photo shoot is one we took at my brother's house before our Thanksgiving meal a few years ago. He has two trampolines which made for some fun shots. Here are some of our favorites...

We usually try some type of shadow shot. This one was fun with us all jumping at the same time.

We took individual pictures of each person to put up on the wall around the group shots. Here is a fun one of each of us.

What you wear is something to consider. In our Photo shoot post number one, we used all the same color shirt. It worked and if you have a certain spot on the wall which you want to use, I would suggest getting shirts that would match the color scheme of that wall or room.

In these, I wanted a bit more color and chose sweatshirts that were functional for the girls to use after and that would give a unified look but chose colors that would accentuate each girls eyes and color. In the close up pictures especially you can see how the color of sweatshirt accented the eyes.

If you want to accent the hair, jumping or some type of action shots are always good to show the length.

I try to not overdo the makeup and try to make it look natural but at the same time, accentuating features so they don't look pale or washed out. White is not the best color to put on anyone as it usually makes everyone looked washed out. A white background can help the colors you do choose to wear stand out.

One year we had a family picture where the planner insisted we all wear white. I begged to put us in red and blue using a white background and even brought shirts for everyone at my own expense but they wouldn't listen. I did bring flags and red, white and blue banners as the background, ladder, shirts etc were all white. The only splash of color came from the flags. We all looked quite washed out and we never did much with the picture. I only bought one as it was the only time we ever had my ex's family in one photo altogether. What you wear does make a difference on the outcome of the pictures.

One time I bought all stripped shirts, the pictures made us look like blue and pink zebras. :-) I suggest a solid color with a logo at most. Designs and prints on clothes date the picture and can detract from the person in the photo as your eyes will be drawn to the print.
Have fun with your family and think out of the box when it comes to taking photos, candid shots are sometimes the best shots. Camera angles can also make it fun. Happy Photo Shoot!

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