
Friday, June 4, 2010

Cleaning The Whole Bowl

This will probably be the weirdest blog I will ever write. I was cleaning my bathrooms today and had a weird idea. I decided to compare my bathroom cleaners as well as toilet bowl cleaners to see which worked best. I have hard water and even after using a toilet brush, there is usually a ring in the bowl. I have several things I use but compared them all for this blog.

This first picture is of the bowl after being scrubbed with the toilet brush. I have to say that I clean them regularly but when the water softener runs out of salt, the ring appears quickly.

I used the pumice cleaning stick on the right. It only took a few seconds and that area was clean.

On the left, Melaluka/tea tree "Tub and Tile" cleaner which I really like to use on my shower and when I wash the outside windows that have minerals from the sprinklers on them. The "Tub and Tile" cleaned well after about a minute I just rubbed it off with my finger.

On the center I used Thieves cleaner which is from Young Living oil. It didn't clean after a few minutes so I then put on "The works" toilet bowl cleaner. Within a few seconds, it had the stuff so I could just wipe it off with my finger. It did leak through my glove and started to burn but cleaned the toilet very well. I used the brush and scrubbed the rest of the toilet. I did have to use the pumice stone up under the rim as usual but I was really impressed with "The Works" and as usual the "Tub and Tile" worked well.

I have a ring that ends up around the drain in my sink. Just for the wonder of it, I poured some "The Works" in the sink and the ring bubbled off in about 20 seconds leaving a sparkling drain area and shinny drain plug as well. What a bonus for thinking of blogging this today. I recommend, "The Works," "Pumice Scouring Stick," and "Tub and Tile."

"Tub and Tile" is non-toxic and can be used around children. It has a strong smell when used straight. "The Works" ate through the glove so I would suggest if you choose that option, don't leave it where a child can get to it. The pumice stones can be purchased at a plumbing supply store. Sometimes I have found them at ACE Hardware store. They work really well around the water intakes and for tough stains.

I wish you happy and easy cleaning.

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