
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Pooh Memory T-Shirt Quilt of Love

Since my girls have been little, I have kept their team shirts for T-ball, softball, basket ball, soccer, dance teams, choirs, drill team, cheer, schools, camps and family reunions. I also kept the shirts that they wore from their collections. Each girl collected something different. One daughter collected "The Wizard of Oz" and another Pooh etc.

I told them when they got married I would make a T-shirt quilt of all their t-shirts collected through their life making a memory quilt.

When I was going through my divorce, I had VERY harsh and bitter feelings toward my ex husband. I prayed about what I could do to let go of those feelings and find peace within myself as I knew that those feelings would only hurt me and possibly poison my daughters in the process. The answer I came up with was to do an act of service for my ex husband. I took all the t-shirts that were from my ex husbands life that the girls wore for pj's and made him a memory quilt. It was the first I ever made. I wish now I kept pictures but I didn't. It came out very cute and the girls told me that he asked them if he should hang it on the wall.

By doing acts of service for him and others, I was able to forgive. I learned a great lesson that has been with me for years. When I have negative feelings toward someone, I do random acts of service and by doing that, I am able to find peace. With that, I also had some hurt feelings toward his sister. When my ex mother-in-law was cleaning out her house, she got rid of all the t-shirts belonging to her daughter. I took them for sleep shirts for my girls. I thought by doing the same act of service for her, I would be able to forgive her. It worked. I made a very cute child quilt with all the t-shirts from her teen years and mailed it off with some other family treasures that I thought her daughter would enjoy.

I got a call a few months later from my ex sister-in-law thanking me and it opened a door for healing.

With those two quilts behind me, I took my daughters Pooh clothing collection and made this quilt for her college room.

SHE LOVED IT! Her roommates would always come and wrap themselves in it when they would watch a movie. I thought perhaps she had outgrown it but the reality is, each square on that quilt had so many memories for her. One she wore after getting her wisdom teeth out and didn't want me to post that picture. lol

This square was a talking sweatshirt that three of my girls wore. You can see the stains on the square but they loved that it would sing when you pushed on it. Here is a picture of my fourth wearing it years ago.

This square was made from boxers that the collector of Pooh wore as a teen for a few years.

This square was from a pair of overalls that most of the girls wore when they were little. The nice thing about collections is that they are usually something that has been around for many years and is timeless so these clothes were worn for many years.

This didn't give major details on how to make the quilt but I just took the average picture/t-shirt size and made most of the squares that size. They were about 14 by 14 squares when I started. I made a template of cardboard and used it to cut them with a rotary cutter. I used the back of the sweatshirts for the base behind the overalls. I zigzagged the overalls onto the sweatshirt fabric cut in the 14 by 14 square. You can do this with most any shirt, pj's, shorts, pants, dress or skirt.

Happy memory quilting! I look forward to making their actual memory quilts. Perhaps I will blog about that in December when my oldest returns from the Philippines!

1 comment:

  1. I love this! I'm planning on doing the same for my kids with their school/dance/sports t-shirts.
