
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Lemon Garlic Wild Rice

I lost the recipe that someone gave me for cilantro lemon rice. I looked everywhere for it. So, with that, I made up my own recipe. I am so glad I lost the other recipe. I really liked the one I made up so I am going to share it with you.

As I was starting to write this post, I said a not so nice word as I realized, we just ate the rest of the rice and I forgot to take a picture of the final product! My older daughter told me I could just say that we enjoyed it so much that we ate it before we could take a picture and then said I could even include my choice word usage. lol

I won't include my slip of the tongue but I will take a pause here and go put more rice on so I can take a picture of the final product and post it on here. Then, I will just freeze what we don't eat if anything is left, but I doubt that there will be any. mmmm good!

Ok, I went in just now and in less than 10 minutes using my dry veggies, I had it cooking in the rice cooker and had the kitchen cleaned up.

Add two parts water to one part rice. I used a wild rice blend but you can use whatever type of rice your family likes. Then, I use dehydrated veggies because it is what I do. You however can adapt this for your situation.

Lemon Garlic Wild Rice

2 cups rice

1/2 cup dried cilantro crumpled which would be about 1 bunch fresh - chopped.

1/4 cup dried mushrooms crumpled or 1 cup sliced or chopped depending on your family. My girls won't eat them if the pieces are large.

4 tablespoons butter.

2 tablespoons chopped garlic (I buy it at Wal-Mart in a jar in the produce section)

1/4 cup dried broccoli crumbled or 3/4 cup fresh chopped.

1/2 fresh lemon squeezed in with the seeds removed.

If you like spicier rice, you can add 1/4 tsp of chopped red pepper garlic sauce
that you get at a Chinese store. It has a rooster on the front of the jar. They do sell it in the Associated Food stores (but not at Wal-Mart) in the ethnic section in smaller jar but it is something I use regularly so I get the gallon bottle at the Chinese store and just refill the smaller container that I keep in the fridge.

Put all that in the rice cooker. I have tried a few rice cookers and have hated some and liked others. I like a larger cooker because you can always make a smaller amount in a large cooker. They have ceramic coated which I use and like or aluminum. The ceramic are so easy to use and I really like the ease of cleaning. I also like the ones that have a removable overflow cup that you can dump. The first one I bought overflowed all over my counter.

I buy my rice in a bulk buy from Lundberg Rice Farms and it is organic and they offer many different blends. I get a large bag and dump it into sealed buckets with a little bit of diatomaceous earth. Rice is oily and goes rancid quickly but even rancid, you can cook it and the rancid taste will go out with the water but I would suggest not storing it for more than a year or so unless you put it in the freezer. I pour what I need into a gallon jar and keep it in the kitchen cupboard for ease and refill it from the bucket I keep in the garage as needed.

Here is a picture of the finished product. The kids liked it better with the crushed red pepper and raved about it. Try it both ways. We like spice but I'm sure we can bring those who haven't liked it in the past to our way of thinking! :-)

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