
Friday, May 7, 2010

Jays Famous French Toast for Mothers Day!

Jay is a good friend of mine. One day his girls were bragging on his famous french toast. I was curious and prodded for more information. I asked what made them famous and he said it was that he puts fruit and batter in the liquid mix.

I was intrigued so I invited myself along with my children to his home to try this new breakfast food. We weren't disappointed and, "yes" I can see why they are famous!

He said he was upset one day because the liquid doesn't stick to the bread so he started adding things and it went from there. He said he really didn't have a written recipe so I forced him to tell all. Here is the recipe for these yummy concoctions!

Jays Famous French Toast

7 eggs

1 1/2 cup Bisquick

1/2 tbs vanilla

1/2 tbs Cinnamon

1/2 tbs nutmeg

dash of salt


choice of fruit cut into small pieces.

Put the dry ingredients in first then add a few eggs to make a dough. Keep adding eggs and then add milk to make it the desired consistency. Add chopped fruit.

The type of bread you use makes a difference in french toast. I brought a few loaves of french bread that I left out to harden so it would hold together. He had thicker sliced bread. I usually buy the day old french bread and use that sliced thicker.

He made us some plain ones using the french bread so we could taste the original batter and then he added the strawberries using the softer bread.

My girls enjoyed themselves and each ate about three large slices. I am trying to avoid white flour and sugar at the moment so I only had two large pieces. :-)

Jay said he mashed up some banana once and mixed it in and the result tasted like banana bread french toast. That sounded good to me. I think a little face with a banana mouth and berry's for eyes would have been cute for little children.

I have wondered how the batter would taste using pumpkin flour to thicken it rather than the Bisquick. I have had a busy few weeks and haven't gotten around to testing that idea yet but I think it will happen soon as it has been on my to try list for some time now. Pumpkin nutmeg french toast sounds as good as the banana muffin flavor!

Cook them between 300 and 350 degrees on a griddle. Turn when golden.

We always use yogurt as a topping with fresh or frozen fruit. Some like powdered sugar and a few still enjoy the sticky syrup. My favorite fruit on them is pomegranates.

So, get the thinking cap on and try mixing in your favorite fruit and surprise mom with breakfast in bed or breakfast for dinner this Mothers Day!

1 comment:

  1. This is a great blog Tammy! Keep it up! Hope you can check out my blog sometime too: It is so fun to hear about your wonderful girls and the thoughts of your heart. I wish you all the best!
