
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers Day for Heavenly Mother!

I was thinking today on the question of a Heavenly Mother.

As I sat thinking about the post a few weeks ago about "Knowing that God loves you," I started thinking about how I don't have a relationship or any thoughts on a Heavenly Mother.

I KNOW God our Heavenly Father loves me by the things He does for me daily. I have a sure knowledge that He is my Father and knows who I am. I was a bit sad to think that I have missed out all these years on having a relationship like that with my Heavenly Mother.

What loving mother would allow her child to suffer or have a trial and not try in some way to comfort them or to ease their burden when they can?

What loving mother doesn't show up for the big events and provide encouragement and tell the child how proud she is of where they are in their lives?

Those thoughts made me ponder on other times in my life where perhaps my Heavenly Mother was by my side. When I felt a bit of encouragement or during my divorce when I had the courage to go to court one more time and fight for my girls.

It made me think of those who so willingly give up a baby for adoption to bless the lives of a married couple who couldn't have one themselves. How hard a choice for that young woman to have to make. Wouldn't a loving mother comfort the childless and comfort the girl who gave up the baby.

Wouldn't a loving mother support that single mom who never has a "sick day" and has to get up and take that child to school or go read in their class or go on that field trip or go to work not feeling well.

Today, I went to visit a single mom of three whose husband died last September with no assets and no insurance. This week, she was working at a store for $7 an hour and had to go in sick. She was so sick she could barely stand but for her kids to have a home, she stayed until they forced her to leave. Once home, still sick, she suffered through the night.

Rather than calling someone for help, this proud mom got up feeling sick and took her three children to school. After that, she drove herself to the hospital. Once there, it was discovered that she had appendicitis. She has been in the hospital for days and had to stay today due to infection even though she wanted to go home. Alone in the hospital on Mothers Day. All she wanted was to go home.

Would a loving mother leave her child alone in that situation? I don't think that is true. I think we just don't connect with her. Someone or something prompted me to take my girls with cookies and a rose to visit this lonely mother. Was it our Heavenly Mother who knows each of us?

Every spiritual and sacred thing has been defiled and blasphemed in this world. Even non sacred things such as Judas are blasphemed. I can see why God didn't write more about Heavenly Mother or Christ didn't teach of it. A loving husband would keep his wife safe. Christ would keep his Heavenly Mother safe. Even his earthly mothers name is taken in vain regularly.

I do believe however that there is a Heavenly Mother up there and I think that today for the first time, I was able to connect with Her on a small level in just realizing that She is there.

I wonder what She looks like. I searched online for an artist rendition on this and wasn't able to find anything. I did have a painting once of a woman seated in a cloud with little children on her lap and all around her feet. It was a nice picture but I wasn't able to find it and can't remember the artist as I gave the painting to someone years ago.

I Wonder?
I wonder if She watches what I do and say?
I wonder if She cries when I have had a bad day?
I wonder if She watches as I lay asleep?
I wonder if She wakes me when the alarm doesn't beep?
I wonder if when with the ill I am dealing,
She gives me advice and help in the healing?
I wonder if when I am in pain,
She gives me patience and does train?
I wonder Dear Mother have we've forgotten you?
We must realize you sacrificed your Son, too.
On this Mothers Day here on Earth,
Thanks Heavenly Mother for giving me birth.
Happy Mother Day to all you amazing mothers!


  1. I wonder if she watches what I do and say?
    I wonder if she cries when I have had a bad day?
    I wonder if she watches as I lay asleep?
    I wonder if she wakes me when the alarm doesn't beep?
    I wonder if when with the ill I am dealing,
    She gives me advice and help in the healing?
    I wonder if when I am in pain,
    she gives me patience and does train?
    I wonder Dear Mother have we've forgotten you?
    We must realize you sacrificed your son, too.
    On this Mothers Day here on Earth,
    Thanks Heavenly Mother for giving me birth.

    Did you write this? I like it a lot...thank you. my favorite line.."I wonder if when I am in pain,
    she gives me patience and does train?"

  2. I think about her often.
