
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Treasure Hunting for GOLD Part 1

I have had some weird experiences in the past year or so when it comes to being prepared financially in a crisis. I am very prepared in many ways for an emergency. I have a year supply of food, clothes, fabric, candles and other items.

One day, my daughter asked if we had everything we would need in an emergency. I told her “yes.” Then, as I pondered on that situation, I realized that I may not be as prepared as I thought. I thought that I had everything I thought I needed but did I have everything God KNEW I may need.

That day, I prayed that God would tell me if there were anything I may need other than what I had already acquired for an emergency. I got the feeling that I needed to gather medical supplies.

Being an RN and a massage therapist, I get calls weekly about health issues and people asking for advice. I know in a disaster, if there were no hospital, people would seek out those they know who maybe able to help. I went out that week and bought about 5 boxes of different types of rubber gloves, disinfectant, many bottles of antibacterial soap and a few other small medical supplies.

I then felt that I need
ed to get oxygen equipment. I doubted that I would ever get this and when I found some new oxygen tubing and masks at a thrift store, I didn’t buy them thinking I would never be able to afford an oxygen machine. Within a month, I found a used oxygen machine at a second hand store.

Journal entry below:

"Wednesday, June 10, 2009 - I then shopped and found an oxygen making machine for $40. I turned it on and it worked." I shook my head in disbelief as I have never seen one before or since. I bought it for $40.

The next thought that came was I needed suction equipment. Once again, I doubted the prompting or feeling doubting that I would be able to find such a thing. Within a week, I found a portable suction machine in great condition for $6 at a similar second hand store. I have never seen one before or since. After that, I didn’t question when I found a portable humidifier with both ac and dc plugs and water bottles and oxygen masks and extra tubing.

Being a nurse and a massage therapist, I enjoy learning about alternative healing methods such as herbs, therapies and natural cures. I also went out and bought bulk herbs, essential oils and GSE (grapefruit seed extract) all of which I am familiar. If for some reason the medical community was non-existent, I would be able to provide many services to friends and loved because God let me know what I may need that I didn’t have.

Do you have what your family MAY need?

I had to tell you that story to explain how tomorrows blog works in and came to be.

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