
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Treasure Hunting for GOLD part 2

If you didn’t read yesterday’s blog, it is part one of today’s blog. I was pondering on what to do in a financial breakdown. I now had something for a medical breakdown and had items stored for a food breakdown. I have gotten out of debt but would have no way to pay for needed items if the dollar were to be of no value. I prayed on this matter.

I had been looking for a silver chain to go on a butterfly charm that I bought while serving a service mission to Peru. I had been looking for some time and hadn’t found the exact thing I was looking for. One day, I went to a second hand store and they brought out a cart of items to put on the shelf. A woman picked up a necklace, looked at it and threw it down right in front of me. It was the necklace I had been wanting. EXACTLY the one I wanted. Not close, exactly. I had never even seen what I had been wanting. I just hoped it existed. I wanted it choker length but thick so the charm wouldn’t hang onto a shirt but up on the neck. It was $2. It was Italian silver marked with 925.

When I got home, it was tarnished. I pulled out a jewelry cloth and started to polish it. As I did, a dream I had the night before came back into my mind.

Here is the actual journal entry from that day:

"Tuesday, February 24, 2009 - I was there when a cart came out and a lady picked up a silver necklace and looked at it quickly and threw it back down. I grabbed it as it was just what I was looking for for the Peru butterfly necklace. It was Italian silver and was $2. In Kmart it would have been $100. I was so excited to get it. I looked at the silver and put it on the butterfly charm and it looked great.

I remembered a dream I had while looking at it and called Amy to tell her about it. I dreamt that we were somewhere and walking down the street, times were bad. There was someone selling silver coins. Lenny stopped and bought some saying it was a good price. I started looking at them from a lady thinking maybe I should get some also. I wasn’t sure about sizes and she didn’t have exactly what I wanted but just in bigger pieces so I started walking away and the guy that sold to Lenny said something about not buying from the lady because her stuff wasn’t pure and she couldn’t be trusted.

I didn’t have a good feeling still so I said to myself, “I am going to trust in the Lord that if he wants me to have silver, he will provide it for me. I am going to let Him take care of it for me.” End of dream. I didn’t remember that dream until I had the silver in my hand. It is amazing how the Lord teaches us or blesses us when we choose to trust him. I don’t know if the dream was a test of sorts to see where I put my trust or what but I called both my older girls and shared with them." End of journal entry.

Since that time, I go to yard sales, second hand stores and buy silver and gold if it is priced cheaply. Safety deposit boxes are great for this type of stuff. Within one week, I ran into a man who purifies gold, two that pan for gold, one that melts silver plate off silver by using a rose-bud welding tips to heat the silver enough that it drips off the silver plate. Within a month, I found this great book I am really enjoying called “The Great Gold Comeback” by James R. Cook.

He talks about the value of gold and why all other investments can lose money but if you buy gold, it always has some value, even if just the melted down value.

He specifically talks about coin and bullion collecting and investing. The thing that stood out to me in the book is that in the 1930’s the government forced collectors to turn in their gold and told them what it would pay. It only let them keep coins old enough to be considered “rare and unusual to collectors.” It was called the “Emergency Banking Act.” Gold coins, bullion and certificates were to be surrendered within 25 days punishable with a $10,000 fine or 10 years in prison or both.

After that, the government then raised Gold prices by $10 an ounce making the government a lot of money. It was to help strengthen the economy. Thinking about the current economic status in our nation, I realized that it could happen again and in his book he gives several scenarios how that could happen. The government has certain reporting required on gold investors so even if I did buy, the government would then know how much I had.

Since I don’t have money to buy bullion, rare or gold coins, the answer the Lord gave me is feasible to me. Also, they won’t take “heirloom family jewelry” as everyone has gold for wedding rings and other jewelry. Also, in a barter system, gold coins would have to be broken down into smaller forms for buying as there would be few things one would need a whole gold coin to buy.

I also learned that women in the olden days wore their gold coins on the front of their veils because in a purse or bag or pocket they could be taken or lost easily. On the face, everyone would see if it was missing. Silver and gold are heavy to carry. If in an emergency you needed to leave quickly, jewelry can be spread out and worn by everyone and rings can be worn on necklaces. This would make the weight distribution easy. The pieces are small enough to trade and barter for things and if someone is robbed, they don’t have all the silver and gold for the group minimizing the risk for the group or family.

I think safety deposit boxes are the way to go to store them as even if the bank fails as in the depression, you can still access the box.

So, it may have been a long blog but I hope it is worth it. After having the dream I had and meeting the gold refiner, 2 gold panners in one week and then having found the book a few weeks later, I think God is trying to get me prepared in all ways.

Gold and silver is something we all should have access to for some financial stability. I lost $100,000 investing and more in my retirement accounts in the past 2 years. I wish I had bought gold with it. Think of the return now that gold is at $1114 an ounce. The best part is it gives women lots of options to accentuate her beauty and wear something new!
I give each of my girls silver items for each holiday and birthday as a sort of dowry.

Just some thoughts…. Happy treasure hunting!

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