
Friday, July 3, 2015

Young Woman Award - Princess Four

In our church, when the boys get their Eagle Scout, they have a big ceremony as our church is big into scouting. For the girls, they have a project that is similar but is ongoing as the scouts is for boys. They start at age 12 and can work at their own pace checking in with leaders and parents just as the boys do for scouting.

There are several 10 hour projects that the girls do in different areas. They can do service, leadership, spirituality etc. 

Princess Four likes to be the last to finish things. She usually gets things done but waits until the last minute to do them. Her graduation speech last year was emailed in at 4 a.m. or something crazy the morning of graduation. (See that post here.)

Being true to character, Princess Four finished her project 1/2 hour before her 18th birthday. She was so funny letting me know she had finish it within the time frame. I texted her back asking if she thought she had cut it a little close? :-) 

I am proud that she finished it even if it was down to the minute. She worked hard on so many great projects doing over 100 hours of service in one year, Student body President, Drill leadership and team for 4 years, HOBY 2 times, RYLA 2 times, 2 service mission, (one to Peru and the other Thailand), making and donating hats to the local hospitals for infants and children, Church leadership, Sterling Scholar, graduating Magna Cum Laude, and my favorite.... FOOT and BACK RUBBER! She always used her hands to scratch and rub my back whenever she would pass me or when I was doing dishes or cooking in the kitchen. 

She is the best worker as well. We are having everyone home for the fourth and I asked her to dust. She spent over an hour just on the living / dining room. I know when I ask her to do something, she will do it to the best of her ability and I won't have to worry that it wasn't done right. I may have to worry that it won't be done until the last minute however. ha ha. 

She got the award with several other girls who are graduating this year but since she skipped a grade, she had a year at college to work on it. I am proud of the woman she is and the person she has become. She is going places and I LOVE YOU Princess FOUR!!!

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