
Friday, July 10, 2015

The Mother of All Migraines - Key Day

Princess Five and I were talking this week about how long it had been since either of us had thrown up. Weird topic, I know, and I can't remember how it came up but, I think I cursed myself. If you read this blog, you will know by now that I have sinus migraine headaches caused by high pressures in the weather. 

I have posted about it in the past, (click here for one of those posts.) If I can get on top of it with meds and some Coke, I can get through it but the worst headaches I have, are the ones that come when I am asleep and I wake up in the middle of it. 

This morning was one of those days. We have had storms for several days in a row and I was able to ward them off by taking things early and drinking lots of Coke but today, I woke up and went back to sleep a few times trying to sleep it off but when I actually got up, I was fighting it hard. 

After drinking some V8, I took some pills and got comfy on the couch which lasted all of five minutes. I rushed to the bathroom and it was weird because usually, if I throw up once, my headache gets better. It didn't get any better. I drank a bit more coke but didn't dare take any more medication as I was feeling so sick. 

I threw up like I haven't in YEARS! There was nothing left in me down to my toes. It still didn't go away. I put on a show to try and distract myself and finally was able to fall asleep and Princess Five woke me at 7, (yes seven) at night for a ride to play practice. I missed a whole day! 

It was still hurting but I was able to take some pills and avoid the worst of it again but as I sit here typing and having taken a hand full of pills today, the headache is still lurking in the back of my consciousness waiting to reemerge if I don't stay on top of it. 

While Princess was at play, I didn't want to fall asleep as she would need a ride home so I thought about what I could do sitting, distracted and mindless while I waited for her.... 

I decided to clean out my keys. I wonder where they all came from at some point they came with something but it is odd as I know I have cleaned them out before and still, there are so many I don't know what they go to. 

I was also surprised at how many little locks and keys I had gathered over the years. I sorted it all down to the extra keys for the house, cars and trailer and had two keys I need to return to friends that shared with me in case of emergency that I don't need anymore. 

I also wanted to show the little Swiss key tool that I purchased some years ago that is a knife, screwdriver, can opener etc. I have used it several times but hadn't put it on my newer keys so it is now put back on my current key chain as you never know when you may need those things. 

I hope I feel better tomorrow and I can get back to life, it has been a rough week for my head.    

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