
Monday, July 13, 2015

Fourth Of July Parade 2015

I don't think in all our years in this small town that we have all watched the parade and sat together. We usually go and watch the girl dance at the fourth celebration and when the girls were younger we went out of town to visit family. We also had a booth for many years for fundraisers and to help the food bank so watching the parade together in chairs has never happened.

We had a friend who goes and sets out chairs a few days ahead of the parade. I can't imagine doing that but they put out their chairs and put rope through them. I mentioned how everyone was going to be in town and we wanted to go and watch Princess Five in the parade for the cheer squad. 

He said he would be willing to take our chairs down for us and place them near theirs. So, he came two nights before the parade and said that spots were going quickly and took our chairs down in his truck and set them out. I thought that was very nice of him.

We were there early and we had another car we put at the end of the parade route at the city park and then drove to the other end towards the beginning of the parade where the chairs were set up so we could get back and fourth easily. 

We ran into many friends which was fun for us all. 
Grand Princess was in great form and she was passed around and enjoyed walking and picking up candy that the people in the parade threw out. 

She was really cute picking them up and handing them to her dad and then signing "more" to get to eat the candy.
Princess One worked on the sock she is knitting and nearly has it finished. She spins the wool with a drop spindle and then knits it and is working on a sock pattern. I have never made a sock knitting so I am impressed with her skills.   

I had to run across the street to get a picture of Princess Five running with the cheer squad down main street. The sun and their white uniforms made her washed out in most of the pictures. 

It was great fun that we got to enjoy watching the parade together. We missed the diaper derby with the baby though. I think she would have done quite well. It didn't even come to my mind to have her in it. I am sure we will know for future holidays. 

That part of the day was fun. We have other things I want to share about that day but I figured we had better post our first parade together in 20 years!        

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