
Monday, April 8, 2013

Prom Night - Prominaude and Slideshow

At the prom in our small town, they make it a really big deal. I have never seen anything like it. They make a stage. They usually have at least one fountain. They have a huge back drop. They have a slide show with pictures of every Jr. and usually lots of pictures of the class growing up such as team photos and class photos of them in elementary school, on field trips etc. 

They then call out the students by alphabetical order saving the prom committee and student government students for last. When they call the students name, they tell who their parents are by name. They then introduce the escort. If he is also a Jr., they will tell the name of his parents. If not, they will just give the name of the person attending prom.

They hold it in a large auditorium and most of the town comes to watch. There are usually a few thousand people there. I still don't understand it but everyone dresses up.

The first thing that happens is at nine o'clock, all the boys walk in from one side and the girls from another, parading their wears for all to see, crossing from one side of the floor to the other. Then, they get into three large groups and dance to their prom song in a dance that parades them around the circle to be seen. They practice every night for a week to learn the dance. Of course, princess helped teach them all being a dancer at the school.

Then, the leave the floor and get ready to be announced. The boys come from one side and the girl from another and they meet center stage in the spotlight and then the girl twirls for everyone to see her hair and dress and then they walk down the stairs and off to the side to watch the rest come out. 

Once everyone has been announced, they all sit to watch the video. This year, it was a bit different as they put one baby picture and one current picture of each student in the show and put their name on it. 

Princess picked a picture her dad took of her in her highchair that made her blue eyes "pop," according to her. There were so many cute pictures to choose from as she is so beautiful that I was glad I didn't have to make the choice. 

After her date picked her up for the night before the events started, my wonderful dad took us all to dinner at the Chinese Buffet. It was a weekend night so we were excited as they have coconut shrimp all you can eat.We had fun having Princess five guess what our Chinese words were from our fortune cookies. She actually got them all right, even with our bad pronunciation. We did have to spell most of them though. She even knew the word for "Beer" which I thought was funny as she doesn't drink.

Lets just say that we got our money's worth that night in shrimp. I should say, my dad got his moneys worth as he paid for us to eat and for us to get into prom to watch. It is $5 a person and that is how they recoup what they spent on decoration and renting items for prom. 

After they do the slide show, they announce prom royalty. There was a bit of an issue this year as a girl was supposed to put the list of students together who helped with prom on a paper for the teacher to make up a ballot. Only people who help with Prom and are on the committee can be on the ballot. 

Princess four being a student body officer was at the meetings from the beginning. The President and Vice-President were both kicked out of office due to bad grades which left three people to plan. They got the committee together and Princess was there all the way. This other girl took another girls name off the list in front of her the night before. She didn't know what to do so she didn't do anything. I guess this girl also scratched her name off the list and gave the modified list to the teacher to put on the ballot. Princess four didn't get a ballot to vote either which made her wonder what was going on.... After the vote, the now acting President came up and told her how sorry she was that the other girl had taken her name off the list. Princess handled it well and was gracious about the entire thing. 

I contacted the new principal (it is his first year) sharing that they need to fix that issue for next year as I think it was an act of bullying but they didn't want to pursue it. I can see how any way he works it, someone would be upset with him and being new he doesn't want to start making enemies. It is sad to me how cruel kids can be. I was proud of princess as she was kind to the girl that night after the royalty was announced. She let the entire thing drop. She is very forgiving which will be a blessing in her life.

After the royalty, they invite the fathers and mothers to the floor for the first dance with their child. In our case, as you read in my last post, she danced with grandpa and then I took a turn dancing with her. She was glowing and smiling all the way. Her escort was the perfect gentleman and she was grateful he was tall so she didn't hit her head with her arm when they twirled during the dance and on the stage. 

Thanks Grandpa for driving down, paying for dinner, paying for us to get in, dancing with all the grand-daughters and then doing the late night drive home. We are truly blessed to have you. You made Princess fours night wonderful and ours as well! It truly was "A night to remember!" 

I almost forgot.... The prom song.... Yep, "Iris" by Goo Goo dolls. See post one about that song here. 
See post two about that song here.
See post three about that song here.  

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