
Monday, April 15, 2013

Prom Night - The Date and Pictures

I recently got a disc of pictures from the date before prom. I told you about how they have a date the day of prom before prom.I wanted to tell you about all the fun things they did and show you the pictures as they were so fun. 

They first went to a house and got a bag of clothes and props and had to be in two teams and they each made a video of "rupunzel" as they had a long wig from a play they had done. They then got to watch each others play. They were quite funny. 

Then, they each got $5 to go to a second hand store and buy their date a really ugly outfit. Princess ended up with a jacket that looked like a tapestry with actual horse hair on the zipper. Very ugly but some of the other outfits were hilarious You can see one boy had underwear. Anther girl in their group had to wear goggles the entire time.
They then went to one house and had to draw a picture of their date. They they voted on the best likeness someone drew. I think her date did a stellar job as she is the bottom right corner of the upper picture and her date was in the drawing above her. He had a tie on his head. They did quite well I think. 

Next, they went bowling where they were still wearing their funny outfits. They would then roll the dice and have to roll the ball in funny ways. 

For example, rolling a 1 would mean they had to roll it between their legs. 2- they would have to push it lying down. etc. They had lots of fun and were glad they had the bumpers up for the game.

After that, they went to "home Depot" where they made race cars in the wood project section. They had fun with those and Princess brought hers home along with the apron and the ugly jacket as you can see in this photo of her. 

After that, they went ATVing up the hills and tried to start a fire to roast marshmallows but the wind kept that from happening which we were glad because she didn't have time to wash her hair and smoke smell wouldn't have been pleasant at prom. I called and thanked the mom that planned it as they had so much fun. 

Each team had a camera and then at the end of the date, they made a dvd of the videos they made of the skits and then after prom, they each got a disc of the pictures everyone took of the night. I shared all the group photos at prom and it was fun. 

They dropped the girls off at home to get ready after their date. After they picked them up again, they went to one house and took pictures. 

After that, they went to dinner at another house. They boys punched holes in cardboard and put Christmas lights through the holes and they were taken to prom on a trailer with the lights showing all lit up. So much planning and work went into the night. We took thank you gifts to the moms that did all the planning and work. It was a very fun first date for Princess four.

I am not sure why the girls dates don't purdhase pictures at prom. They spend hundreds on dresses and hours on hair etc and then the parents take photos but there isn't good lighting or there are things behind them that distract etc. I would have paid for the pictures myself just to have one of her on that night feeling pretty. 

They took their own pictures at one of the families homes and the pictures are cute but she actually ended up with red mud on her dress and they took one picture of her alone and it is in front of a barn with rusty things behind her and with her in such a beautiful dress, I would have loved to have a picture that accentuated her and the dress. 

This is the second time that has happened and I was sad for my other daughter as well as hers were taken in a basement with not the best lighting.

Perhaps with Princess number five I will offer to pay for the pictures up front so that isn't a problem. I just think the trees behind them are a bit distracting and in one she has barbed wire behind her head.

I think her favorite shot of the night is when she got a picture with all the boys in her group. She thought that was fun. 

All in all, she had fun and looked beautiful so I just wanted to share the rest of the photos from the date. 

I added the picture at the bottom of the girls as they all were there to support princess four. It was a fun night enjoyed by all. Another memory made. 
I do have to agree with Princess four on the picture with all the boys on her date. She does look cute as if she is trying to decide on which boy she wants. Wouldn't it be nice if our kids could always feel so happy and beautiful and optimistic about choices and life....  

Aren't I blessed....

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