
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Mexican Train Dominoes Part 1

Many years ago, Princess number one had a nice boxed domino set. We used to play "Mexican Train" using pennies. We had some friends that tough us the game and it was one of our favorites. 

Life happened and since the older girls have five years between them and the younger three, we didn't play games with the younger girls until they were older and by then, Princess one was at college etc. 

We went camping and my step-mother (in name only to distinguish her from my mother as we love her dearly) was making something out of plastic canvas. 

She said she plays "Mexican Train" with friends and someone invented a holder out of plastic canvas so they could line up their dominos in order and not have them fall over. 

We thought that was great and I will post about that tomorrow but it reminded us that we enjoyed the game so we thought we would pull out the dominoes I bought to replace the set Princess one took with her when she moved out. 

Princess two and five played with me but it had been so many years since we played that we had to look up the rules online. When we played it years ago, we had to use pennies for our trains but the new set I have has actual colored trains that you use instead of pennies. 

Princess one is gloating in one picture as she won but it was funny that we actually all took turns winning. Sometimes it really is in the tiles you choose.

There are several different variations of the game and each time we have played it in the past few weeks, we seem to alter the rules somehow. 

We played last night before bed and that was fun. Princess four joined us for the first time and enjoyed it. 

After playing it a few times recently, I can see why she made the plastic canvas holders for the dominoes so that they can set them all up without others seeing them. Princess two doesn't seem to car who sees them but after us cutting her off a few times, she figured she had better hide them. 

The tiles do fall over easily when on the carpet and I am sure if we tried to play it on a table, they would still fall easily so tomorrow, I will give you the pattern that she used to make her Mexican train domino holders. 

I told her I had extra plastic canvas she could have as I have never made anything out of it except a toy for the kids to lace things in our quiet book with different colored yarn. 

I think I may make some of these myself. Or, maybe I will have one of the girls make them for me. :-)

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