
Thursday, September 15, 2022

Finding a Lost Treasure

I mentioned going to visit my sister and going through more of my mothers estate items. We split up items and I ended up with the items no one wanted to sell at my annual yard sale. 

When my younger sister was dropping off the items the next day we pulled out the reel-to-reel player and I was going to just drop it off that day at a second hand store but my younger sister said we should look inside. 

We opened up the dusty / mildewed player and there were three reels inside. I was SO grateful my younger sister mentioned opening it. I have a better / cleaner player that I used to listen to all the reels my mother had. I haven't taken the time to go through the stuff I brought home yet having been sick etc, but tonight, I felt like I should clean up that reel player so I could put it in my yard sale. 

I pulled out the player and spent and hour cleaning it up and then turned it on and it doesn't work. I think it can be fixed but since I have a working one, I don't want to take the time to fix it. I pulled out the reels and found that one was a meeting or an interview of my father, one I can't read well that doesn't look like it is my mom or dad, and the last one is an absolute treasure if it is really what it says it is. 

My mother was a beauty queen for the USA before she got married. It says that it is a talk she gave just after winning the pageant! It states that it is the only copy of that talk and that it broke in the middle and she kept the small pieces if needed to splice back together but that is only a small section, so I am hoping that it really is her speaking and that I will be able to transfer it to a digital format.

The area where I transferred the audio files over to digital has been unused for five years or so. I got so overwhelmed with the amount of it that I stopped changing them over. I still have just under 200 audio cassettes to listen to and transfer, and then boxes of vhs, dvds, and cd's to transfer over. I would love to get that finished and clean out that bedroom of all her stuff, but I still have boxes of papers to sort and need to scan it all and then organized it in order digitally. I also have all my parents love letter from my dad while he was serving as a missionary in Australia, to my mother traveling the world as a beauty queen. Both have terrible cursive writing and wrote very small to put more information in the air mail letters. 

I probably have enough stuff to keep me busy for ten years straight, but if I look at the amount of it, I get overwhelmed, so I need to just look at one project at a time. So for now, I got one thing out of the house and out of my sisters garage, and now I have three large reels to listen to, but I am looking forward to hearing the reels. 

I feel like my mother is bringing items to me. There are several other interesting things that have happened in the past two weeks, and I feel that she is gathering family history items together for me. Maybe I will share about some of the other little miracles that have come this past week. God is amazing to organize all these things at the same time. 

Have a blessed day!

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