
Monday, September 5, 2022

Addisons Disease - Possible Adrenal Issues

I was able to get in with a new Endocrinologist and was VERY grateful that he listened to my symptoms and concerns because the first women I went to see was pushing her friends weight loss clinic (which I think she may have shares in due to her behavior) and never did any testing other than the thyroid. I clearly have some thyroid issues, but she didn't look at anything else to look for any other concerns. 

I asked my neurologist for a endocrinologist referral as he is in a bigger city and I didn't want to take another blind shot having had such a bad prior experience. He gave me one, but they didn't take my insurance. My Primary Care Dr. ran more thyroid labs, and called me telling me that my labs were worse than those from two months ago and recommended that I should see an endocrinologist. I hadn't hung up the phone from that call when the new endocrinologist office called! 

I made an appointment for Mid-September as I shared that my latest thyroid labs were worse than before after trying a new thyroid med. They said they would call me if they had a cancellation, and this week, they did call sharing they had an opening and that allowed me to go 2 weeks earlier than scheduled! 

I went to the new Dr. last week and he ordered a day of testing to check blood sugars and cortisol to check my adrenals. I was able to access the results online, and due to the holiday week, I don't think I will hear back for a few days, but I was able to see that clearly several things are off in my labs. 

I looked up what those lab results mean, and Addison's disease looks like it may be my issue. 

Interestingly enough, when my mother was suffering with many of my symptoms years ago, I asked my sister to speak to her Dr. about my mother possibly having Addison's. 

It would be so wonderful to have a diagnosis and treatment option to start feeling better and maybe having some energy again! 

Have a blessed day! 

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