
Wednesday, August 31, 2022

The Birthday Final Post - So Blessed


I have a few more wonderful things that I wanted to share about my birthday. I have so many people that were so sweet to offer to take me to lunch. I enjoyed visiting with friends at meals and a movie. 

Princess Four sent me some chocolate covered strawberries which were SO yummy! Princess Three and her husband bought me a migraine headache hat that is made of gel that you can put in the fridge and it is weighted and cool and blocks out light so it is great for migraines. 

I got calls from all the girls and loved getting to visit with my grand-kids.  My friend Matt gave me a gift of Pokemon pass and recently there was the last make up day from the one in April. I was able to play lots of raids, and on the last raid, I got a perfect Pokemon. Perfect means that they are all the way to the top in every category. It is the most rare of Pokemon. 

I got a free cookie from a gas station rewards card, but since I am gluten free, I asked if I could get a drink, and they gave me a slushie drink. It has been probably 15 years since I had a Slurpee type drink. 

I really have had a wonderful long and drawn out birthday celebration and I loved every minute. All my girls are so sweet. I am blessed with good friends and family. My sister sent some sweet gifts and my brothers family called and sang in four part harmony a'capella.  

Have a blessed day!

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