
Monday, August 29, 2022

Good News From The Dermatologist

I have had some new moles showing up recently. I have several friends that have had experiences with skin cancers. 

One of my dearest friends fought it for ten years before passing due to sin cancer. Recently, one of my best friend's husbands had skin cancer on his face and nearly lost his nose. Then talking to another friend of ours, he also had almost lost his nose, and they both had a radicle surgery that took pieces of skin from the forehead and pulled it down to grow to the tip of the nose. You wouldn't even know it now. It looks great. 

I have a cousin that just had some skin cancer cut off her leg. Since everyone was so taken back by their diagnosis, I figured I should take a closer look at the moles I have been experiencing.

I made an appointment and was able to get one fairly quickly which hasn't been the case with other Dr.'s. I went this past week and had them all looked at and was very happy to hear that none of the moles were anything other than age spots. Not that I am happy to have age spots, but just that they weren't cancerous. 

So, good news! No Cancer! 

Have a blessed day! 

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