
Thursday, August 11, 2022

Birthday Trailer - Lots Of Fun

Since we have not been with family much in the past few months, we have missed lots of birthdays. 

I was proud of myself for remembering to get all the gifts ready during such a busy time, but seeing the excitement of the birthday recipients was worth all the effort getting it ready. 

We gave each person their own time. I loved that they all seemed excited about one of their gifts. I love when I can find something that someone is looking for and they let me know.

Princess Five was looking for a game called "Code Names" that she likes, and I was able to find it brand new wrapped in the plastic for $2 at a thrift store! They were able to play it several times while camping and I could tell she was excited for the game. She also got a natural bristle brush as she just threw out her other natural bristle hair brush that we have had for years!

Princess Three got some cute small bowls she likes and a few other things she seemed excited about. 

Prince One got some fun toys, a game, a Lego mug, and some yard solar lights. 

The toy he liked most is a light up hover toy that bounces and flashes. We took it outside and played with it that night and the kids loved it!

On the flip side, my girls each did things for me for my birthday as well. I feel so blessed to have such a kind loving family! 

It was a lovely time with my kids and I feel blessed! 

Have a blessed day!

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