
Friday, July 29, 2022

The Revolving Flute - Blessings All Around

Princess Two was going through some things and decided to get rid of her flute. She has played the flute since she was in sixth grade! 

She played solos as a senior and she would play it for the Christmas programs. There isn't much else you can do with a flute as it isn't something you would play around the campfire, but it still is nice to have it to play for those programs that come up. 

But, she said it isn't worth keeping to play once every year or so. 

I posted the flute on our local yard sale classifieds, and I had it on there for only a few days and had a woman contact me today. She said she would like to come look at the flute with her daughter. 

When they arrived, the girl is young and was just accepted into the band as she is going into middle school. She wanted to play the flute and has "Band Camp" next week. It happened to be her birthday today and her party was starting in a few hours. 

She had never held a tried a flute before. I gave her some tips and showed her how to hold her lips to blow and how to hold it, how to put it together, take it apart, and how to clean it. She was so cute putting it together over and over and by the time they left 1/2 later, she had it to the point she could make some good noises! 

The daughter mentioned something about her dad maybe coming to some of her concerts, and it came out that the mom has been going through a divorce for several years. She then mentioned that her former spouse was abusive and that she stayed at the woman shelter for awhile. She said that this daughter was her second daughter and her name happened to be my grandmothers name. We had so many similarities in our lives. Her oldest daughter is 14, and her youngest child is 3. She is going through what I have already been through. I was so shocked that our stories were the same. I was asking $100 for the flute, but I ended up giving the mother $20 to help pay for bills, and gave the daughter $20 for band camp and her birthday! I can't tell you how many people helped me out during my divorce. I had people support my children earning money for their drill and other camps. I still have people that are so generous and giving me money for holidays, or just because they are kind people.

I wish I were in a spot where I could just help other single moms, but for now, I am glad I can help some. The daughter was so cute and we clicked right off. I told her to invite me to her first concert and I would drive to their town and watch her play. 

Princess Two was glad that her flute could go to someone who will appreciate it! It always makes me happy to see things go to a good home where they will be appreciated. 

Have a blessed day!

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