
Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Taking a Shot Backfired - Migraine Day

I woke to go to the bathroom and had a headache. I then fell back asleep hoping I could sleep it off. I woke an hour later and still had a headache.

I met with a neurologist last week about the migraine situation as I have tried so many things to try and deal with them for over 35 years now.  With today's headache, I thought it would be a good time to use the new medication the neurologist ordered. He ordered self injection shots with a medication called Sumatriptan. I have given myself shots in the past during my pregnancies so that wasn't a big issue for me. 

I gave myself a shot. Within seconds I started having a reaction. I was walking to go lay down and my arms started feeling weird, then the back of my neck was in pain in lots of spots like I could feel the medication going up into my veins, my chest tightened, and my eyes felt like they were bugging out, I was dizzy. The reaction was so quick and intense I was worried I may need to call 911. 

I went and unlocked the front door, grabbed my phone to call 911 if needed. I put the medication box and info on the floor by the door and wrote down what symptoms I was having and then I read the side effects insert to see what the situation could look like. I didn't read the possible side effects before trying it as I don't want to see all that "could" be issues and create a thought on it. 

I started having nausea etc. I went to the bathroom and noticed that the shot site was inflamed and raised. It was the size of my pointer finger. I read the insert and every symptom I had was in there. The one that scared me the most was the tight chest, and it was tight to breathe. I finally felt safe enough to lie down for a few minutes and my feet had pin prick pain which also was a symptom.

I was somewhat disappointed that the shots didn't work for me as they were quick to work. My headache did leave but came back four hours later. However, with the reactions I had, I think I could develop more violent reactions and it isn't worth taking that risk over a headache and vomiting. 

I will need to call the Dr. tomorrow and let him know of my reaction so we can try other things. I would love to have some relief from my headaches. The forecast is rain for the next three days or so. 

 am grateful to have a Dr. working with me as I have always avoided trying anything due to needing to be functional as the only parent and not wanting to take any chances of not being functional for my girls. Now that I don't have anyone home, I can try other things. 

For insurance, you have to do a tier situation with medication. You have to prove that you have tried different cheaper meds first, and if they don'[t work, then you can try the more expensive medications. In trying the samples, I know that the more expensive medication works but it is crazy how expensive each pill is. 8 pills are over $1000. I think they should regulate how much companies can charge for each pill as that is crazy. 

I am glad I didn't react so much that I needed to go to the hospital. I am grateful that I am working on getting on top of the headaches. I am also grateful that there are new meds that can help me not having so many non-functional days. 

Have a blessed day!

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